Crowne Plaza, Singapore
I suspect Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore was designed by a Virgo.
I have never had a good impression of airport hotels. I have always thought of them as necessary but uninteresting and utilitarian affairs, kind of … like toilets. As airports are usually quite far away from city centres, I cannot quite fathom anyone using an airport hotel as a base to explore a city. Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore seems to confound all these rules.
Like Virgos, Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore is highly practical, efficient, favours quality, modest and meticulously attentive to details.
Virgo aka the Healer aka Lord of the Earth is closely associated with plants. Hence, the Virgoan colour palette is closely associated with earthy tones. Like Virgo, Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore is designed in soothing greens and earthy, stable browns. The carpet in the rooms mimics the floor of forests when light shines through the canopy. On the glass wall are prints of huge flowers. The rest of the hotel is decorated in calming soothing shades of olive, yellow, tan etc.
The Virgoan sensibility (practicality) is immediately apparent upon entering the room. Most modern hotels do not have built-in luggage benches. Unlike most modern hotels, there is actually a luggage bench. In fact, there are 2. One is near the door, that is a small one. There is another bench that stretches almost across the entire room, under the TV. If there are 2 people in the room and each carries 2 pieces of luggage, there is enough space on these benches to contain these luggage and more. Wow! That is a rarity and a true gem in this day and age. Moreover, underneath the benches is plenty of space where footwear can be stowed away, out of the way. That circumvents the usual hotel problem where footwear is strewn all over the place and stepped on or tripped over. This is a small idea, but how practical, how clever, how Virgo.
Efficient —the small space is maximised through the clever use of only sliding doors in the room. The wardrobe is exposed and wall-less to give the room a more spacious feel.
Clever—the wall between the bathroom and room is glass. Finally, I am able to You are able to watch TV while soaking in the tub. Get a room that overlooks the runway (STRONGLY recommended) so that you can watch TV AND the runway while soaking in the tub,. Is there any better entertainment in the world?
The couch in the room is actually 2 chairs pushed together. How very clever and practical—in case someone decides to watch TV and another decides to read by the window, they don’t need to fight over the couch.
Practical—the safe is right beside the desk. Very thoughtful and logical. The most expensive item travellers carry these days is the laptop. When they finish their work/ checking email etc at the desk, they simply have to open the drawer next to them and they can keep the laptop in the safe. It is a layout that makes a lot of sense. Thoughtful and logical—- 2 more Virgoan traits.
Quality —-they provide good quality canapés in the lounge (unlike Capella, which claims to be 5-star but provides such cheap, poor quality food). The food in the lounge is not as plentiful as Shangri-la Jakarta but it is very good quality nonetheless. The wines are excellent too. I tried the Pierre Jean. The fruitiness hit me immediately. It was also very acidic. Great. The 2009 Boomerang Bay Shiraz from Western Australia was also very good. Thankfully, they know how to handle wine—whites are iced and reds have been suitably chilled. If Crowne Plaza can provide such decent quality food at its price points, Capella (with its higher room rates) should really be ashamed.
They provide a nice, simple turn-down service—they take away all the wet towels, dry the wash basin and floor and leave a chocolate cookie by the bed.
Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore is probably the first hotel where I actually appreciate the interior design. Reflecting Singapore’s geographical location in tropical Southeast Asia, the lobby sitting area features design of tropical fruits such as water melon, papaya etc. The meeting rooms in the hotel carry the theme of the Banyan tree, traditionally a meeting point in Southeast Asian culture.
Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore is a cross between a business hotel and a resort. It is modern, comfortable and has all the features of a business hotel. However, like a resort, there is a lot of foilage and the corridors are un-airconditioned. I don’t entirely buy that the un-airconditioned corridors are simply to give the hotel a resort feel. More likely, it is to save on electricity in air-conditioning a low stopover area such as the corridors. I don’t mind, if the hotel delivers value in other areas such as the quality of the food in the lounge and in Azur.
The service here is always polite and easy-going, never forced nor fake.
Unlike some hotels that trimpet themselves so much but are so unabashedly mediocre, Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore is a hardworking hotel that delivers more than it lets on.
I thoroughly enjoyed Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore. It is a 4-5 star hotel with 5.5 star level of practicality and overall package.
Hotelul Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore lasă impresia ca ar fi fost construit de cineva in zodia Fecioarei.
Nu mi-au placut niciodată hotelurile de aeroport. Întotdeauna mi s-au părut necesare dar la fel de neinteresante ca şi obiectele sanitare,… cam ca toaletele. Având in vedere ca hotelurile de aeroport se află in general destul de departe de centrul oraşelor nu îmi imaginez cum cineva ar putea să le considere punctul de plecare pentru explorarea unui oraş.
Hotelul Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore pare să contrazică aceaste reguli. Ca şi persoanele din zodia Fecioarei, hotelul Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore este practic, eficient, favorizează calitatea, este caracterizat de modestie şi de o meticuloasă atentie la detalii.
Fecioara supranumită şi Vindecatorul, sau Stăpânul Pământului este indeaproape asociată cu plantele. Astfel, paleta de culori a Fecioarelor este asociată cu tonurile de pământ. Ca şi Fecioara, Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore a fost creeat folosindu-se tonuri liniștitoare de verde şi tonuri brune de bază. Covorul din camerele hotelului expune culori asemănătoare cu cele ale solului din păduri atunci când soarele pătrunde prin desiş. Pe peretele de sticlă sunt imprimate flori uriașe. Restul hotelului este decorat in culori calde şi liniştitoare de oliv, galben şi arămiu.
Simţul practic al fecioarelor este remarcat încă de la intrarea in cameră. Majoritatea hotelurilor moderne nu au bancuțe pentru bagaje încorporate. Iar aici, sunt chiar două. Una este langă usă, şi asta este cea mică. Există şi o a doua bancuță care se întinde aproape dealungul întregii camere, sub televizor. Daca sunt 2 persoane in camere şi fiecare are câte 2 bagaje, in cameră există suficient loc pentru toate ba chiar mai mult. Wow! Asta e o raritate in zilele noastre. În plus sub aceste bancuțe există suficient spaţiu pentru depozitarea încalţamintei fara a incomoda. Asta rezolvă veşnica problema cu încalţamintea la hotel, care în mod normal este împraştiată peste tot prin cameră, pe care calci şi de care te împiedici tot timpul . E o idee simpla dar cât de inteligentă, de practică şi cât de specifică Fecioarelor.
Eficient—În cameră sunt inteligent montate numai uşi glisante maximizând astfel potenţialul micului spaţiu. Garderoba este deschisă şi fară pereţi conferind asfel camerei ideea de şi mai mult spaţiu.
Inteligent—peretele dintre baie şi cameră este din sticla. Şi nu in cele din urmă, va puteţi uita la televizor din cada de baie. Luaţi o cameră cu vedere la pista de aterizare(recomand puternic). Astfel, puteţi vedea pista de aterizare in timp ce va uitaţi la televizor DIN cada de baie. Vă puteţi închipui ceva mai distractiv de atât?
Canapeaua din cameră este de fapt formată din 2 scaune alăturate. Ce soluție inteligentă şi practică—-în cazul in care o persoana decide sa se uite la televizor şi a doua decide sa citească langă fereastră nu trebuie sa se certe pe cine sa ia canapeaua.
Practic—seiful este langă birou. Logic şi prevăzător. Cel mai preţios obiect pe care turiştii il cară in zilele noastre este laptopul. Când aceştia termină cu munca/verificarea emailurilor etc. la birou, trebuie numai să deschidă sertarul alăturat şi să pună laptopul in seif. Astfel aşezate, lucrurile au sens. Logic şi prevăzător —înca 2 trasaturi specifice Fecioarelor.
Calitate—-oferă tartine de foarte bună calitate in camera de zi sau Lounge (spre deosebire de Capella care pretinde 5 stele dar care oferă mancare de foarte proastă calitate). Mancarea din Lounge nu este atat de variată precum la Shangi-La Jakarta dar este oricum de foarte bună calitate. Şi vinurile sunt de foarte bune. Eu am incercat Pierre Jean. Am remarcat imediat aroma fructată. Era şi puţin acidulat. Minunat. Mi-a placut deasemeni Boomerang Bay Shiraz din Western Australia anul 2009. Din fericire, stiu cum să servească vinurile. Cele albe sunt racite şi cele roşii sunt ţinute la temperatura optimă. Dacă Crowne Plaza poate oferi produse de o calitate decentă la preţurile obişnuite atunci celor de la Capella ar trebui sa le fie ruşine cu preţurile lor mult mai mari.
Curaţenia in camere se efectuează intr-un mod simplu şi ireproşabil— sunt înlaturate prosoapele ude, chiuveta şi pardoseaua sunt uscate şi iţi lasa şi un biscuite pe pat.
Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore este probabil singurul hotel unde am putut cu adevarat aprecia designul interior. Zona de aşteptare din Lobby reflectă localizarea geografic a Singaporelui in Asia de Sudest cu un design reprezentând fructe tropicale precum papaya şi pepene etc. Sălile de conferinţa au ca tema copacul Banyan care în cultura Asiei de Sudest marchează un loc de întalnire.
Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore este o combinaţie de hotel de Business şi hotel de Staţiune. Este modern, confortabil şi are toate trasaturile unui hotel de Business . Cu toate acestea, ca şi un hotel de Staţiune are foarte multe plante şi zone verzi şi pe coridoare nu se simte aer condiţionat. Nu cred că lipsa aerului condiţionat pe coridoare se justifică prin faptul ca vor să redea hotelului un aer de Staţiune. Mai degrabă, fac asta pentru a economisi energie lipsind de aer condiţionat acele zone precum coridoarele, unde turiştii zabovesc mai puţin. Nu mă deranjează dacă astefel hotelul reuşeşte să ofere o mai bună calitate in alte servicii percum la mancarea din Lounge şi Azur.
Personalul aici te tratează intotdeauna cu politeţe şi sunt foarte amabili fară a fi falşi sau a parea forţat.
Spre deosebire de alte hoteluri care se supraevalueaza dar care sunt fara nici un fel de exagerare mediocre, Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore este un hotel care munceşte mult pentru imagine şi care reuşeşte să ofere mai mult decat promite.
Mi-a plăcut foarte mult Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore . Este un hotel de 4-5 stele cu un nivel de 5.5 stele atat din punct de vedere al confortului cât şi al ofertelor in general.
Saya rasa Crowne Plaza Bandara Changi Singapura dirancang oleh seorang Virgo.
Saya tidak pernah memiliki kesan baik terhadap hotel bandara. Saya selalu berpikir hotel bandara adalah sesuatu yang dibutuhkan, bermanfaat namun tidak menarik, kurang lebih seperti … toilet. Karena bandara biasanya cukup jauh dari pusat kota, saya rasa tidak ada yang menjadikan hotel bandara sebagai tempat menetap ketika akan menjelajahi kota. Crowne Plaza Bandara Changi Singapura tampaknya mematahkan seluruh pandangan ini.
Seperti Virgo, Crowne Plaza Bandara Changi Singapura sangat praktis, efisien, mengutamakan kualitas, sederhana dan memperhatikan detail dengan teliti.
Virgo atau Sang Penyembuh atau Sang Penguasa Bumi terkait erat dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Karena itu, palet warna Virgo terkait erat dengan warna-warna tanah. Sama seperti Virgo, Crowne Plaza Bandara Changi Singapura didesain dalam warna hijau yang lembut dan warna cokelat tanah yang mantap. Saat cahaya menyinari kanopi, karpet dalam ruangan tampak menyerupai tanah hutan. Pada dinding kaca tercetak bunga-bunga yang besar. Bagian hotel lainnya didekorasi menggunakan variasi warna kalem seperti kuning langsat, kuning, cokelat, dst.
Sensibilitas (kepraktisan) Virgo langsung tampak ketika memasuki ruangan hotel. Kebanyakan hotel modern tidak memiliki bangku bagasi. Tidak seperti kebanyakan hotel modern, ruangan Crowne Plaza Bandara Changi Singapura memiliki bangku bagasi. Bahkan, terdapat 2 bangku bagasi. Satu terletak dekat pintu, yaitu bangku yang kecil. Bangku lainnya terentang hampir sepanjang ruangan, di bawah TV. Apabila ada 2 orang di ruangan dan masing-masing membawa dua bagasi, terdapat cukup tempat pada bangku ini untuk menampung bagasi tersebut, bahkan lebih. Wow! Sungguh hal yang jarang dan merupakan permata berharga pada masa dan zaman sekarang. Selain itu, di bawah bangku terdapat ruangan yang luas di mana sepatu dapat disimpan, agar tidak mengganggu. Ini memecahkan masalah hotel kebanyakan, di mana sepatu berserakan di dalam ruangan, terinjak, atau membuat tersandung. Ini merupakan ide kecil, tetapi sungguh praktis, sungguh cerdas, sungguh Virgo.
Efisien —ruang yang kecil dimaksimalkan secara cerdas dengan hanya menggunakan pintu geser dalam ruangan. Lemari pakaian terbuka dan tidak berdinding untuk memberi kesan ruangan yang lebih luas.
Cerdas—dinding pembatas kamar mandi dan ruangan terbuat dari kaca. Akhirnya, saya bisa, Anda bisa menonton TV sambil berendam di bak mandi. Dapatkanlah ruangan yang dapat memandang landasan pesawat (SANGAT direkomendasikan) agar anda dapat menonton TV DAN landasan sambil berendam di bak. Adakah hiburan lain yang lebih baik di dunia ini?
Sofa dalam ruangan merupakan 2 kursi yang diletakkan bersampingan. Betapa cerdas dan praktis—apabila seseorang ingin menonton TV dan yang lain ingin membaca di tepi jendela, mereka tidak perlu bertengkar memperebutkan sofa.
Praktis—brankas terletak tepat di samping meja tulis. Sangat bijaksana dan logis. Barang termahal yang dibawa kebanyakan wisatawan sekarang ini adalah laptop. Ketika mereka selesai bekerja/ memeriksa email dsb di meja, mereka cukup membuka laci di samping mereka dan mereka bisa menyimpan laptop tersebut dalam brankas. Ini merupakan rancangan yang sangat masuk akal. Bijaksana dan logis —- 2 sifat Virgo lainnya.
Kualitas —-tersedia makanan kecil berkualitas tinggi di ruang santai (tidak seperti Capella, yang mengaku berbintang 5 tetapi menyediakan makanan murah yang berkualitas rendah). Makanan di ruang santai tidak sebanyak yang terdapat di Shangri-la Jakarta namun tetap saja berkualitas tinggi. Minuman anggurnya pun sangat bagus. Saya mencoba Pierre Jean. Rasa buahnya langsung terasa. Rasanya juga sangat masam. Luar biasa. 2009 Boomerang Bay Shiraz dari Australia Barat juga sangat enak. Untungnya, mereka tahu cara menangani anggur —anggur putih dibekukan dan anggur merah juga didinginkan dengan sesuai. Apabila Crowne Plaza mampu menyediakan makanan dengan kualitas sedemikian baik dengan harga yang dipatok, maka Capella (dengan tarif ruangan yang lebih tinggi) sungguh patut merasa malu.
Mereka menyediakan layanan tambahan yang sederhana dan menyenangkan —mereka mengambil semua handuk basah, mengeringkan wastafel dan lantai dan menaruh kue cokelat di samping tempat tidur.
Crowne Plaza Bandara Changi Singapura mungkin merupakan hotel pertama dengan desain interior yang saya nilai bagus. Mencerminkan lokasi geografis Singapura yang terletak di Asia Tenggara yang tropis, area duduk di lobi menampilkan desain buah-buahan tropis, seperti melon, pepaya, dst. Ruang rapat di hotel menyandang tema Pohon Beringin, yang secara tradisi merupakan tempat bertemu dalam budaya Asia Tenggara.
Crowne Plaza Bandara Changi Singapura merupakan persilangan antara hotel bisnis dan sanggraloka. Hotelnya modern, nyaman dan memiliki seluruh keunggulan hotel bisnis. Akan tetapi, seperti sanggraloka, terdapat banyak dedaunan dan koridor tidak dipasangi pendingin ruangan. Saya tidak sepenuhnya yakin bahwa koridor tidak dipasangi pendingin ruangan hanya untuk memberikan kesan sanggraloka. Lebih tepatnya, ini dilakukan untuk menghemat listrik yang digunakan untuk mendinginkan area yang jarang di disinggahi, seperti koridor. Bukan masalah bagi saya, apabila hotel menunjukkan keunggulan di area lainnya seperti kualitas makanan di ruang santai dan di Azur.
Pelayanan di sini selalu sopan dan santai, tidak pernah terpaksa ataupun munafik.
Tidak seperti hotel yang sangat mempromosikan dirinya tetapi justru biasa-biasa saja, Crowne Plaza Bandara Changi Singapura adalah hotel yang bekerja keras dan menyediakan lebih daripada yang diberitakan.
Saya sepenuhnya menikmati Crowne Plaza Bandara Changi Singapura. Hotel ini berbintang 4-5 dengan praktikalitas dan secara keseluruhan berbintang 5.5.
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