The Mexican, Bangkok
For food hunters in Bangkok, Mexican food sold here is often compared to the ones serving up out West as some say they’re no match. Well, we sure disagree to that! It’s all because of this gem at the Rajah…
Zuma, Bangkok
Just landed in Bangkok and looking for a restaurant with a unique ambience to fill your stomach? Located in St Regis hotel, ZUMA Bangkok will meet your expectations of good quality food and unforgettable dining experience. The traditional izakaya style…
Panpuri Indochine, Bangkok
There is a saying I once heard from an elderly man while travelling in India, “Where there is poison, the cure also lies near you”. Basically, if you get bitten by a snake in a forest, the cure to prevent…
Hyatt Regency, Hangzhou
Hangzhou: where tranquil nature and bustling cityscapes meet. Hangzhou is a must-see destination for a tourist when in China. For those who wish to be pampered during their stay in the city, look no further than the deluxe Hyatt Regency…
Pañpuri, Bangkok
Is your skin stressed out by the toxins of the modern-day environment? Are you looking for something truly organic with proven benefits to pamper your skin? Pañpuri is just what you need. Pañpuri is the first luxury Thai brand to…
HARNN Heritage Spa, Bangkok
HARNN Heritage Spa Krungthep, the ultimate SPA indulgence Imagine indulging into a SPA getaway that offers an ultimate tranquil experience, engulfed in the settings of a cherished Asian Cultural Heritage, yet conveniently located in the heart of Thailand’s Bangkok…
mezza9, Grand Hyatt, Macau Nov 2015
Based on the concept of mezza9 in Grand Hyatt Singapore, this mezza9 is an all-round stimulation of the diner’s senses. Created by the cutting-edge Japanese interior design firm SuperPotato, the eclectic, highly textured 292-seater space is defined by giant, roughly-hewn…
Aberdeen Street Social, 香港 (繁體中文)
在PMQ的局限裡,Aberdeen Street社會是被人敬佩的廚師Jason Atheron以及之名的企業家Yenn Wong所啟發。這對強大二人組與知名得獎設計師Neri和Hu的結合將成立一個新的設計構想,來興起客戶們的味蕾.Aberdeen Street Social突現與室內及戶外席,來符合摩登室內靚裝和自然風格愛好者的品味。 在前往週日早午餐的地點之前,親切的經理親自帶我到樓上的私人房間參觀,房間的大小足與開一個12人的派對還有一個能看到花園景色的陽台。住宿特顯專用的上等服務人員。他們隨傳隨到,很符合社交形的人所需要的個人待遇。 正往樓下參加酒吧和小酒館主活動的地點,就在他們招待貴賓和容納吧台以及,對沒錯,你猜對了,和餐廳的空間。這個地方很適合和好友享受週末和一起享用伏特加馬提尼,利用酒精來拋空煩惱,和訴苦。在所有遞給我的食物樣品當中,我不知不覺朝向了Lobster Benedict這道菜。龍蝦與牛油一起烤得恰大好處,雖然淋在雞蛋上的蛋黃醬有點太過粘稠,但是龍蝦尾的精美味道一定會淘喜歡吃海鮮的顧客們歡心。 在旁邊就是一家聯盟的甜品Sweet Social,提供於各式各樣的蛋糕及自製的gelato。我情不自禁的帶走了一份hazelnut gianduja chocolate gelato,上面還灑上了新鮮的開心果碎,頂下了令人味蕾滿意的結論。 與得獎名人,知名廚師以及企業家所建立的夢想團隊.Aberdeen Street Social一定會超越香港的休閒餐飲,他們將會給予這個從滿許多食物愛好者的國家更多希望。 太陽即將下山,吊在木樑上的煤油燈照亮著附近。走到花園露台去欣賞那裡的花花草草,那風景營造了一個完美的角落來享用一杯Chef Atheron的招牌雞尾酒。 請試一試Orange Creamsicle Cocktail,他是一杯混合著香草伏特加和橘子汽水的雞尾酒。上面還佈置上他們家的自製奶油和我從小最喜歡的堅果巧克力棒,令人勾起小時候的回憶。 當炎熱的上午太陽落山後,夜晚的天空和微風已降臨,吧台已準備好接待客戶,評議近人的酒保也幫忙增添了溫馨的氣氛,當我融入在藍傑斯的音樂中我已失去了時間概念。
20160831 Thai Airways TG413, Bangkok-Singapore
On board Thai Airways Boeing 777-200 With palms pressed together, a slight bow and a huge smile, I was welcomed on board the Thai Airways Boeing 777-200. It was my first time on Thai Airways and the flight from Singapore…
Holiday Inn Express Katong, Singapore
IHG Brings Smart Travel to Singapore’s Heritage Town with Opening of Holiday Inn Express® Singapore Katong. InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG®), one of the world’s foremost hotel companies, celebrated the opening of Holiday Inn Express® Singapore Katong in the country’s…