20160306 China Eastern Airlines, Singapore (SIN)-Shanghai Pudong (PVG)
My flight onboard China Eastern Airlines made quite the impression on me. The airline provided me with ample channels of entertainment, the linchpin of a great flying experience in my opinion. A plethora of magazines and movies were made available…
Kwee Zeen, Sofitel, Hangzhou
Bonjour! Welcome to the meticulously renovated contemporary all day dining restaurant Kwee Zeen at the Sofitel Hangzhou, Westlake. Alas! By now you would have guessed right pronounced as “Cuisine”, this lively open kitchen like no other with the highlights of…
Lan Ting, The Azure Qiantang, Hangzhou
English 简体中文 繁體中文 English Located on the 23rd floor of the beautiful The Azure Qiantang is the equally opulent Lan Ting. The cuisine showcases the authentic flavors of the Hangzhou, and is said to reflect the “five waters” elements of…
Hakkasan, Shanghai
English 简体中文 繁體中文 English Housed at the iconic Bund 18 of Shanghai, Hakkasan Shanghai shines as a foremost Cantonese cuisine fine-dining establishment which excels in delivering multi-sensorial gastronomic experiences – stimulating the sight, sound, smell, touch and taste senses –…
柏寧酒店, 香港 (繁體中文)
柏寧香港是個非常非常優秀, 超值的酒店。 酒店的834間客房正進行整修。以白色為主的裝飾色,讓新建的房間有個乾淨,明亮的感覺。 經過裝修的家庭房設有兩張大床,對家庭來說這是非常實用的。家庭房也安裝了一個額外的推拉門,可隔離淋浴區和睡眠區。我覺得這點做得即周到又體貼,可切出噪音,以防止覺醒的孩子。 如果您住的是行政房,那您將可享用酒店裡的行政樓層酒廊。 這讓我待在柏寧的時段感覺非常愉快。 每天,從下午2時30分-下午5:30,酒廊都有提供簡單的下午茶。這包括熱騰騰的葡萄乾烤餅(配上各種口味的果醬,整齊的包裝在小罐子里和奶油),玉米片和其他小點心 。您還可以選擇各種優質的茶和咖啡。 每天從下午6點-晚上8點,您可以在酒廊享用雞尾酒,和開胃菜如紅燒雞肉串和泡芙。在這個時段,柏寧也免費提供自由流動的氣泡葡萄酒。和其他酒店相比,這是柏寧的一大優勢。 您可以在行政樓層酒廊享儘早餐。這是一個簡單的西式早餐—雞蛋、香腸、吐司、水果。注:記得要試吃有機豆漿,味道超讚。 行政樓層酒廊非常受商務旅行者的歡迎。總是有商人在酒廊裡談論商務。 除了能享有早餐,下午茶和雞尾酒,行政房的客人也可享受以下特權: 可在行政樓層酒廊內登記入住和辦理退房 房內具備有線和無線寬帶互聯網接入 行政樓層酒廊提供多種選擇的國際報紙,平板電腦與press reader新聞閱讀軟件。 免費撥打本地電話(無價!) 熨燙服務(免費2件, 適用於入住當日) 擦鞋服務 延遲退房 (視房間情況而定) 免費入境健身中心 (超酷的健身中心每隔幾秒更改顏色) 每日使用行政樓層酒廊會議室2小時 可選擇各類DVD影片 柏寧的最佳優點是行政樓層酒廊的服務。他們從不過度補償 ; 不巴結。 。只是單純地要提供良好的服務。 在翻新的過程,柏寧通過CL3建築公司著名的香港建築師 William Lim添加了全新的現代化大堂設計構思。大堂的設計包括了豪華的家具,以石頭、大理石、銅材質和木材所呈現的不同紋理,而帶來的豪華及休閒舒適的感覺。交互式電子禮賓可幫助客人計劃他們的旅程,為客人帶來方便 。 新改造並且剛推出的新大堂酒廊Ebb & Flow,是個在銅鑼灣相當受歡迎的地點。 Ebb & Flow…
Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou
English 简体中文 繁體中文 English Paradise in Hangzhou “Shangri-La” was mentioned in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton as a paradise on earth. In Hangzhou, Shangri-La is the penultimate hotel, the first of its kind in China since 1984,…
Cru, JW Marriott, Hangzhou
English 简体中文 繁體中文 English If you are hankering for a good steak while in Hangzhou, head over to Cru located in JW Marriott. JW Marriott is located in the bustling CBD of Hangzhou and is just minutes from a subway…
Man Ho, JW Marriott, Hangzhou
English 简体中文 繁體中文 English Man Ho is a modern sleek restaurant with rustic overtones. It offers Cantonese cuisine and Hangzhou specialties. Man Ho is located in JW Marriott. JW Marriott is located in the bustling CBD of Hangzhou and is…
Ibis Styles Singapore on MacPherson
English 简体中文 繁體中文 English The newest Ibis Styles Singapore on MacPherson Unravel your stress with the first ever, newest Ibis Styles Singapore on MacPherson. Book your room now and enjoy the excitement of the open house perks from Ibis Styles…
Diva Life Beauty Lounge, Shanghai
Chipped nails, washed-out painted nails, tired and sluggish body? Fret no more as we would now introduce Diva Life Beauty Lounge, the solution to all your first-world problems! Diva Life Beauty Lounge is a popular and iconic spa and…