Marriott Hotel Parkview, Shanghai
As one of the leading hospitality brands, Marriott Hotels has set the global standards in the industry with its services and innovations. Just when you thought you’ve had the best of its brand experience, Marriott International Inc. continues to expand…
The Sanctuary, Shanghai
Feel Safe at The Sanctuary The Sanctuary was first founded by Su Lim and Lisa Young, both whom are passionate about skincare treatments and solutions. Su Lim is a nature-loving skincare specialist with over 25 years of experience in skin…
20160321 China Eastern Airlines, Shanghai Pudong to Singapore
My flight to Singapore from Shanghai on China Eastern Airlines was a pleasant journey even though I was on the economy class. The 2-3-2 seat configuration matches the standard adopted by most renowned international airlines and there is sufficient space…
Harbour Grand Kowloon, Hong Kong
English 简体中文 English Harbour Grand Kowloon is a totally beautiful deluxe five-star hotel situated on the waterfront, next to the bustling Tsimshatsui and minutes from Hong Kong Island via ferry. In 2015, Harbour Grand Kowloon was recognised as one of…
柏宁酒店, 香港 (简体中文)
柏宁香港是个非常非常优秀, 超值的酒店。 酒店的834间客房正进行整修。以白色为主的装饰色,让新建的房间有个干净,明亮的感觉。 经过装修的家庭房设有两张大床,对家庭来说这是非常实用的。家庭房也安装了一个额外的推拉门,可隔离淋浴区和睡眠区。我觉得这点做得即周到又体贴,可切出噪音,以防止觉醒的孩子。 如果您住的是行政房,那您将可享用酒店里的行政楼层酒廊。 这让我待在柏宁的时段感觉非常愉快。 每天,从下午2时30分-下午5:30,酒廊都有提供简单的下午茶。这包括热腾腾的葡萄干烤饼(配上各种口味的果酱,整齐的包装在小罐子里和奶油),玉米片和其他小点心 。您还可以选择各种优质的茶和咖啡。 每天从下午6点-晚上8点,您可以在酒廊享用鸡尾酒,和开胃菜如红烧鸡肉串和泡芙。在这个时段,柏宁也免费提供自由流动的气泡葡萄酒。和其他酒店相比,这是柏宁的一大优势。 您可以在行政楼层酒廊享尽早餐。这是一个简单的西式早餐—鸡蛋、香肠、吐司、水果。注:记得要试吃有机豆浆,味道超赞。 行政楼层酒廊非常受商务旅行者的欢迎。总是有商人在酒廊里谈论商务。 除了能享有早餐,下午茶和鸡尾酒,行政房的客人也可享受以下特权: 可在行政楼层酒廊内登记入住和办理退房 房内具备有线和无线宽带互联网接入 行政楼层酒廊提供多种选择的国际报纸,平板电脑与press reader新闻阅读软件。 免费拨打本地电话(无价!) 熨烫服务(免费2件, 适用于入住当日) 擦鞋服务 延迟退房 (视房间情况而定) 免费入境健身中心 (超酷的健身中心每隔几秒更改颜色) 每日使用行政楼层酒廊会议室2小时 可选择各类DVD影片 柏宁的最佳优点是行政楼层酒廊的服务。他们从不过度补偿 ; 不巴结。。只是单纯地要提供良好的服务。 在翻新的过程,柏宁通过CL3建筑公司著名的香港建筑师 William Lim添加了全新的现代化大堂设计构思。大堂的设计包括了豪华的家具,以石头、大理石、铜材质和木材所呈现的不同纹理,而带来的豪华及休闲舒适的感觉。交互式电子礼宾可帮助客人计划他们的旅程,为客人带来方便 。 新改造并且刚推出的新大堂酒廊Ebb & Flow,是个在铜锣湾相当受欢迎的地点。Ebb & Flow 以现代化的设计, 尖端的科技元素和美味的食品吸引千禧一代的“美丽游牧民族”。…
Nanhai No. 1, Hong Kong
English 繁體中文 English Nanhai No. 1 combines contemporary Chinese cuisine, cutting-edge interior design and famous city panoramas in a destination restaurant. Named after pioneering Chinese naval explorer Zheng He’s 15th-century treasure fleet, the 200-seat Nanhai No. 1 is envisioned as…
Imperial Court, MGM Macau, Macau
English 繁體中文 English Walking into MGM MACAU’s signature Chinese restaurant, Imperial Court, from the magnificent VIP entrance hall or the lively casino floor, guests are transported into a world where the art of Chinese cooking takes centre stage, surrounded by…
Grande Praca Cafe, MGM, Macau
English 繁體中文 English If you are in Macau, try to make time to come try MGM’s Classic afternoon tea for two people at their Grand Praca cafe. For only MOP$288 for 2 pax, you get Selection of miniature pastries Mixed…
Le 188° Restaurant and Lounge, Hong Kong
English 繁體中文 English The location for one of the scenes of an upcoming movie starring Daniel Wu and Joseph Chang, Le 188° Restaurant and Lounge boasts panoramic views of Victoria Harbour. Come lunchtime, Le 188° offers an irresistible deal—- a…
Fish and Meat, Hong Kong
English 繁體中文 English Fish & Meat specializes in ingredients that speak for themselves and food that you crave week in, week out. Each component of our dishes has been carefully sourced and cooked in an honest and rustic way. Salt…