Ciccio, Kuala Lumpur
“I will always come back to this restaurant” Ciccio does roaring business, even on the coldest of nights—Monday. This Italian restaurant is located along lively Changkat Bukit Bintang. I was afraid that Ciccio, located in the popular and touristy Changkat…
Truefitt and Hill, Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Truefitt and Hill, also known as the Oldest Barbershop in the World, as recognised by the Guinness Book of Records, offers the finest grooming products and services to the discerning gentleman. I sat down one day to try 2 of…
Swiss-Belhotel Harbour Bay, Batam, Indonesia Oct 2013
English 简体中文 繁體中文 English Swiss-Belhotel Harbour Bay (SBHB) is an ideal hotel for vacationers in Batam. A part of the established Swiss-Belhotel group which has hotels in the Middle East, Australia and Asia, this new hotel is less than one…
Capri-licious, 新加坡 (繁體中文)
Capri-licious 是Capri by Fraser, 新加坡唯一的餐廳 (不包括那更像咖啡館的Delite, 新加坡)。 因此,Capri-licious餐廳確實是用途廣泛。它是酒店吃早餐的指定地方,而午膳時間,它為附近跨國企業的行政人員提供服務。至晚上,它更成為酒店的咖啡廳。換句話說,它談不上是一家殿堂級的食肆。看起來更像是一家務實的食肆。它周圍的環境簡單樸實,沒有浮誇。 我入住Capri by Fraser的一天,午餐和晚餐都在Capri-licious用膳。 午餐,我點了龍蝦濃湯Lobster bisque作頭盤 (S$12新元)。這很好,整道菜的特色是濃湯內的虾,既大隻又新鮮。我很滿意。 我點了菲力牛排Filet Mignon (S$28新元),伴以時令蘑菇,蔬菜,香菜薯蓉和百里香汁。尚好,還可以。那菲力牛排適度地嫩腍,份量適中,令人滿意。 我選了德保利家族精選的西拉子.赤霞珠.乾紅葡萄酒De Bortoli Family Selection Shiraz Cabernet(每杯S$9新元)配我的牛排。酒和牛排配搭得很好,但酒溫畧嫌暖。那管理層有必要訓練他們的職員如何適當地冷藏餐酒。這可是認真的。餐廳有酒供應,卻不懂妥善地冷藏處理,這不僅是可笑,更是一種莫大的諷刺。 除了餐酒,我對我的膳食尚算滿意。我的甜品,意大利泡沫咖啡蛋糕Cappuccino cake接着出場。那蛋糕精緻地以漿果和巧克力醬汁作點綴,對此,我很欣賞。那甜品的賣相確實有極高的水準。然而,味道和賣相並不相附。問題出於蛋糕的威化,味道平庸。而且,那蛋糕有太多層次了——太多不同的味道和質感混集在一塊小蛋糕上。不論是誰,負責造蛋糕的,絕對有必要考慮那蛋糕是否「冒犯」了食客,從而將其簡化。總括來說,那蛋糕感覺上很俗氣。 我的晚餐頭盤是炒菠菜疙瘩Sauteed Spinach Gnocchi(西班牙畢爾包香腸,橄欖油,蘆筍和辣番茄醬汁——S$10新元)。好,頗勝任。 然後,我點了紙包海鮮烘意粉Spaghetti Cartoccio (蚌貝意粉,虎蝦,魷魚和加了羅勒番茄醬汁的蜆肉——S$18新元)。很棒! 口感韌度做得恰到好處。這些海鮮帶來驚喜 (考慮到這只是一間平實的咖啡屋),它們非常新鮮。簡直了不起! 物超所值。我點了德保利家族精選的賽美蓉.霞多麗.乾白葡萄酒De Bortoli Family Selection Semillion Chardonna (S$9新元一杯)…
Shang Palace, Shangri-la, Kuala Lumpur
English Français 简体中文 English Shang Palace, located within the Shangri-la Kuala Lumpur, is a high-class fine-dining restaurant favoured by the powerful and elite. When I visited on a Tuesday afternoon, the place was hopping with businessmen, Western expats, C-level executives…
Shopping in Batam; Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall
Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall is the largest mall in Batam. It has 3 storeys and 2 anchor tenants- Hypermart (think a Carrefour-like store) and Matahari, which is a well-known department store throughout Indonesia. There is a Food Street with small…
Seafood in Batam; Wey Wey Seafood
Many tourists head to Batam for cheap seafood. Golden Prawn Seafood Restaurant is famous in Batam and known to Singaporeans for their seafood. But according to Wikitravel, Golden Prawn “seems inexpensive to touristing Singaporeans but is well-known in Batam to…
Getting to and from Batam from Singapore
There are many ferries from Harbourfront, Singapore to various ferry terminals in Batam. If your main purpose in Batam is to shop, it is highly recommended to take a ferry terminal to Harbour Bay Ferry Terminal at Batam. The main…
The Okura Prestige, Bangkok (Français)
L’hôtel Okura Prestige est une anomalie dans l’industrie de l’hôtellerie d’aujourd’hui. Alors que la norme aujourd’hui est d’offrir de très petites chambres, les chambres de l’hôtel Okura Prestige sont très spacieux, même la plus basse catégorie des chambres de luxe.…
Yong Tau Foo d’Ampang, Singapour (Français)
Qu’est-ce que le Yong Tau Foo ? Imaginez des produits au soja et des légumes fourrés avec un mélange de poisson émincé et de porc émincé. C’est un plat traditionnel du Hakka ou Khek (un groupe de dialecte chinois). Ces…