Strictly Pancakes, Singapore
This place located at Prinsep Street is doing brisk business with students from nearby institutions. I picked the Tiramisu pancakes (3 warm chocolate pancakes with chocolate flakes on top, vanilla sauce drizzled on the side and a scope of vanilla…
7 Kickstart Brewiches, Singapore
This café is located along quiet Armenian Street, opposite The Substation and the Peranankan Museum. It is a short walk from the Singapore Management University campus and Bras Basah subway station. The décor is kitschy. The odour is suspect. It…
Smiths Authentic British Fish and Chips, Singapur (Español)
S$17 (impuestos incluidos) por un plato de abadejo y patatas. La porción de abadejo es bastante grande. No hay aire acondicionado, por lo que usted deberá soportar la humedad de Singapur (lo cual es como estar en un sauna). Tienen…
Itacho Sushi, Singapore
I finally found a place that sells very affordable cold soba (S$4 per serving). The most crucial thing about cold soba is that it must be ice cold. The soya sauce must be ice cold as well. I am happy…
Centrale markt (Psar Thmey) , Phnom Penh (Nederlands)
Deze markt is sterker geconstrueerd en minder mobiel dan de Russische bazaar. Het verkoopt vrijwel alles: kleding, textiel, kookgerei, porseleinen eetgerei, horloges, speelgoed, bloemen, rauw voedsel en goedkope, gemakkelijk bereidde lokale voedsel door lokale bevolking (Hawker), enzovoorts.
Pies and Coffee, Singapore
S$9.95 for a duck confit pie???? Not worth it, in my opinion. S$5.80 for a double-shot café latte, which I think was ok, price-wise. But the latte wasn’t hot enough. Another customer had the same complaint. They have other outlets…
Smiths Authentic British Fish and Chips, Singapore
S$17 (taxes inclusive) for Haddock and Chips. The Haddock portion is quite large. There is no air-conditioning, so you have to put with Singapore’s humidity (which feels a lot like being clipped under someone’s armpit). They have other outlets at…
駐外記者俱樂部 (Foreign Correspondents’ Club), 金邊 (繁體中文)
西索瓦碼頭邊備受推崇的消遣好去處。 內有酒吧、餐廳及酒店。 備受推崇?這評價過高了。這裡的裝潢並沒有特別漂亮,即使是位處於頗有歷史意義的地點,這裡也并沒有散發出任何舊世界時代的風情。 這裡的服務生懶得搭理你。他們的舉止會讓你覺得也不差你這麼一個顧客,看上去就像是他們希望你不在這裡,這樣他們就不用工作了。雖然在這裡的酒吧/餐廳可以欣賞到不錯的河上景致,但是在河岸相同位置也有無數有著同樣景致的酒吧/餐廳。 既然我不推薦這個地方,地址與聯絡方式就不附上了。
러시아 시장 (사 뚜 톰 파웅, Psar Toul Tom Poung), 프놈펜 (한국의)
이 시장은 중앙 시장보다 작습니다. 의류, 직물, 실크, 해적판 DVD, 실내 장식품, 재래 시장 (과일, 채소 등), 행상 음식을 보실 수 있습니다. 이 시장은 방콕에 있는 짜뚜짝 시장의 (Chatuchak Market) 작은 버전을 연상시킵니다. 이 시장은 매우 저렴한 가격대의 디자이너 재고…
328 加东叻沙 328 Katong Laksa, 新加坡 (简体中文)
叻沙是有粗米粉在微辣浓厚的椰浆汤里, 碎虾米, 当然还有辣椒. 这种面食通常包佸几片鱼饼, 虾, 豆包(一种棉性豆制品)与蚶(在新加坡通常是指”hum”) 加东叻沙(加东是一个驰名美食地带坐落于新加坡的东部. 靠近海边及机场) 不同于普通的叻沙是在于它的汤底稍微浓郁. 最主要的差别是它的米粉是切成容易入口的小段. 另一句话来说, 你根本不用筷子来享用加东叻沙. 只需要一根汤匙 就足够你同时勺起面条与汤. 在新加坡各地有不同的挡口售卖加东叻沙, 每一个都声称他们的加东叻沙最为道地及原汁原味. 本身座落在加东, 328加东叻沙拥有两间分行, 各只须短距离脚步. 他们的加东叻沙分为大中小3类 – 小碗的是SGD$4, 中碗的是SGD$5, 而大碗则是SGD$6. 我叫了中碗 . 售面的通常会问你要不要”hum”(蚶). 我的建议最好是要, 当你的食物来到, 试吃一两粒,不需吃完. 有些蚶会稍肿带有脏物及看起来恶心. 328加东叻沙也有售卖乌达及椰浆饭. 乌达是一种微辣的鱼肉包在香兰叶里后拿去电炉上烤熟. 椰浆饭是用椰浆煮的饭及配跟花生, 江鱼仔和辣椒. 这里的加东叻沙不算出色也不太差. 价钱公道. 328 Katong Laksa…