Restaurants and Dining in Taipa Village, Macau
Taipa Village is home to a great selection of authentic Portuguese restaurants that have been around for decades. If you feel like a sit-down lunch you can’t go wrong at Portugalia, O Santos, A Petisqueira or Antonio’s. All delivering delicious Portuguese flavours such as seafood rice, duck rice, octopus salad, grilled chicken and Caldo Verde (a traditional soup).

If you fancy a bit of Macanese food then head over to Café Litoral for its African chicken, Minchi and various fusion dishes, and it also serves up Portuguese food. There are plenty of Asian food options such as Hotpot, Ramen, Sushi, and Korean BBQ all spaced throughout the village area, but if Italian is what you feel like, La Cucina Italiana is a great family-friendly option for fussy eaters.

- Antonio, Macau 7 R. dos Clerigos, Taipa, +853 2899 9998
- O Santos, 20 Rua de Cunha, Taipa Village, +853 2882 7508
- A Petisqueira, 15 Rua de S. Joao, Taipa , +853 2882 5354
- Café Litoral, B4 Wai Chin Ko, 53/57 Rua do Regedor, +853 2882 5255
- La Cucina Italiana, 6-12 Rua do Pai Kok, Chun Fok Village, Taipa +853 2882 7818

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