Johor Bahru
The Puteri Pacific, Johor Bahru
The Puteri Pacific is a hotel located in a prime location in Johor Bahru city. The hotel is just across the Straits of Johor from Singapore. A 10-15 min walk from Immigration, the hotel is also just a 5-min walk…
Hotel Jen, Johor Bahru (Français)
Anciennement connu sous le nom Traders Hotel Puteri Harbour Aujourd’hui les familles en vacances en Iskandar ont un endroit décent où passer la nuit. Traders Hôtel a ouvert un nouvel hôtel dans Harbour Puteri, tout près de la ville Sanrio…
Hotel Jen, Puteri Harbour, Johor Bahru
Formerly known as Traders Hotel Puteri Harbour Now families holidaying in Iskandar have a decent place to stay overnight. Traders Hotel has opened a new hotel in Puteri Harbour, right next to Sanrio Hello Kitty Town. Traders Hotel is of…