
  • Restaurants,  Singapore

    Shabestan, Singapore

    Shabestan is a delightful restaurant located in popular dining hotspot Robertson Quay.  Robertson Quay is frequented by expats, tourists and yuppies. The environ is pleasant,  classy and ethnic. This Iranian restaurant faces Singapore River and plenty of trees line the…

  • Bangkok,  Restaurants,  Thailand

    Supanniga Eating Room, Bangkok

    Nestled in the heart of bustling Bangkok,  near Ei8ht Lifestyle Mall in Thong Lor, is Supanniga Eating Room, a restaurant that serves a wide range of traditional Thai dishes from both owner Eh’s hometown in Trat, situated by Thailand’s east…

  • China,  Languages,  Macau,  Michelin,  Restaurants,  简体中文

    Guincho a Galera, 澳门 (简体中文)

    位于澳门标志性的Grand Lisboa Macau, Guincho a Galera 将葡式精致美食提升至一个全新的水平。 源自于葡萄牙的卡斯凯什北部,Fortaleza do Guincho 是第一家将餐厅设立于Guicho的峭壁上,以让顾客们一眼包揽整个海岸线。如今,它拥有提供高品质产品的好评并保持其位于澳门的标准。 第一家来至于葡萄牙的米其林星级的海外餐厅,以一个新颖且精致的风格重塑其经典葡萄牙风;使其成为一个完美的地道葡萄牙餐。 Guincho a Galera以精心的布置散发着高雅的欧式氛围。这里的气氛就好比来自于过去的一场爆炸,显得非常古典。英俊的木材,枝形吊灯和许多油画衬托出历史风情。舒适的座椅和白色亚麻布提供了一个舒适的外观和感觉,搭配着以经典风格镶边的白色瓷器和精心挑选的Riedel玻璃器皿。金橘色的色调还散发着质朴古典风格的谦逊及豪华。餐厅与其他13家位于Lisboa Hotels Complex的餐厅共用着一个拥有着超过15,700个品牌的大酒窖。 Guincho a Galera 以精致的风格提供正宗的葡萄牙菜。此餐厅以完美的烤螃蟹肉壳,来庆祝澳门丰富美味的佳肴。真宗的葡式盛宴是葡式的 “Captaplana”炖海鲜。大量的海鲜是适用于分享的。另一道必试菜是皇家血酱鸭胸饭。烹煮至熟脆的米饭,配上嫩粉色鸭胸肉以及淋在肉上的美味的酱汁。虽然不是轻食但却十分美味。至于那些爱吃甜食者,可以以150澳门币享用甜点小车上6种不同却诱人的葡式美食。 Guincho a Galera以种类繁多的酒单获得《葡萄酒观察家》杂志大奖项。您将从iPad浏览超于8,700个品牌阵列,并以其下单。令人留下印象深刻的葡萄酒选项是以最严格的标准挑选以及相伴与葡萄酒美丽的Riedel玻璃酒侍。高品质的葡萄酒完美的提升了享用精致美食的用餐体验。 在整个过程中,服务人员会让你感到满足地以注重于每一个细节。他们不仅友好而经验丰富,所提供的服务也是让人敬佩及无可挑剔的。

  • Johor Bahru,  Malaysia,  Restaurants

    Fascination and Kitchen, Johor Bahru

    Quality Cuisine that stands its own in any Major City Fascination and Kitchen is the latest cafe-in-a-garden concept to open in Johor Bahru. Taking over the shoplot vacated by A.Felix cafe,  the cafe is bloody gorgeous!  There are plenty of…

  • Celebrity Chef,  Restaurants,  Singapore

    Wolfgang’s Steakhouse, Singapore

    Wolfgang’s Steakhouse offers quality right by Singapore River.   It is located in Intercontinental Robertson Quay,  which is upstream from and quieter, more refined than the party-hungry Clarke Quay. Wolfgang’s Steakhouse is not to be confused with Wolfgang Puck.  With 19…

  • Languages,  Phuket,  Pусский,  Restaurants,  Thailand

    Mom Tri’s Kitchen, пхукет (Pусский)

    Ресторан «Mom Tri’s Kitchen» является одним из самых популярных ресторанов на острове Пхукет, как для местных жителей, так и для туристов со всего мира. Гости могут попробовать здесь блюда в основном тайской, но также и международной кухни на любой вкус.…

  • China,  Macau,  Michelin,  Restaurants

    Guincho a Galera, Macau

    Located in the iconic Grand Lisboa Macau, Guincho a Galera takes Portuguese fine-dining to a whole new level. Originally from north of Cascais in Portugal, Fortaleza do Guincho was the original restaurant offering panoramic views over the beach at Guicho…

  • Restaurants,  Singapore

    Decker Barbecue, Singapore

    Tucked away in a corner of Robertson Quay is Decker Barbecue which serves up authentic Texan Barbecue.  All their meat is smoked on site in Robertson Quay in a custom-built smoker from Dallas Texas.   The atmosphere is vivacious. All meat…