Harry’s: Culinary Excellence at Reasonable Prices – Discovering Resorts World Sentosa’s Hidden Gastronomic Gem
Founded in 1992, Harry’s has solidified its place as a staple in Singapore’s F&B landscape, starting humbly at Boat Quay and expanding to encompass 19 locations across Singapore, including at Resorts World Sentosa. Nestled amidst the hustle and bustle of…
Rocking the Terminal: Inside Hard Rock Cafe at Changi Airport Terminal 2, Singapore
Hard Rock Cafe has returned to Singapore Changi Airport, now located in Terminal 2 Departures. Positioned centrally within the terminal, the cafe boasts a Rock Shop, restaurant, and indoor bar. The interior showcases Hard Rock’s iconic design, adorned with an…
Wong Kar Wai-Inspired Charm: Exploring Hong Kong Style Tapas at Cha Chaan Teng, Singapore
Tucked discreetly along Lavender Street, Cha Chaan Teng stands out with its alluring blend of restaurant, cocktail bar, and tapas joint, evoking the cinematic ambiance of a Wong Kar Wai film. Its emerald green façade, adorned with a subtle red…
Simplicity is Perfection: Suzuki Omakase Elevates Japanese Cuisine in Singapore’s Mondrian Duxton
Suzuki Omakase at Mondrian Singapore Duxton heralds a new pinnacle in Japanese gastronomy. Named in honor of its visionary chef, Suzuki Yuichiro, this exclusive Japanese restaurant redefines gastronomic excellence with seating for 12 at its captivating open-kitchen counter, complemented by…
Award-Winning Italian Restaurant Oozes Cool and Hip in Clarke Quay @ IL Clay Supper Club, Singapore
Nestled in the heart of Clarke Quay, IL Clay Restaurant welcomes Singapore’s diners to savor the culinary artistry of Chef Ciro Sorrentino, celebrated for his award-winning pizzas. With accolades from the 50TOPpizza Italia Guide and a prestigious Two Slice rating…
新加坡聖淘沙索菲特水療度假酒店:法式優雅與奢華的巔峰之作 (繁體中文)
新加坡聖淘沙索菲特水療度假酒店坐落在鬱鬱蔥蔥的聖淘沙島,是精緻奢華與法式精緻的典範。 這個精緻的度假勝地巧妙地將富麗堂皇與周圍青翠環境的寧靜之美融為一體,為您提供無與倫比的優雅與靜謐。 奢華的青翠綠洲 度假村廣闊的場地令人著迷。宏偉與私密的和諧融合,青翠的景觀將客人包裹在寧靜的綠洲中。 精心設計的花園點綴迷人的噴泉,營造出寧靜的環境,非常適合悠閒漫步。 在這裡,無需冒險進入荒野,就能欣賞大自然的美景,讓您在場地上度過的每一刻都成為寧靜而愉快的體驗。 豪華住宿 在這座空間就是奢侈品的城市,新加坡聖淘沙索菲特水療度假酒店確實出類拔萃。客房和套房是舒適典雅的寬敞天堂。 特別是小套房,佈局寬敞,配有帶躺椅的豪華沙發、寬大的行李長凳和優雅的辦公桌——每個細節都經過精心設計,以最大限度地提高舒適度。 客房的咖啡吧是精緻品味的體現,配有 Nespresso 咖啡機和以濃鬱奶油味而聞名的 Arpeggio 膠囊咖啡。此外,客人還可以享用優質的大衛杜夫咖啡和各種 TWG 茶,包括英式早餐茶、摩洛哥薄荷茶和洋甘菊茶,每一種都能帶來令人愉悅的味覺體驗。 浴室是奢華的避難所,擁有大浴缸和令人印象深刻的淋浴間。雨淋式蓮蓬頭水流傾瀉而下,帶來類似天然瀑布的清爽體驗。大量的 Balmain 沐浴乳、洗髮精和護髮素體現了對奢華的承諾,迎合了那些在日常生活中欣賞法式優雅的客人。環保的竹製牙刷和實用的泳衣晾衣繩彰顯了度假村對奢華和環保意識的追求。 無與倫比的設施 度假村的設施證明了其致力於為客人提供非凡體驗的承諾。 波光粼粼的游泳池配有警覺的救生員值班,為您提供清爽的休憩之所。 Kwee Zeen 和 The Cliff 的用餐選擇本身就是一種體驗,私密、昏暗的環境增強了美味佳餚的享受。 客人可以欣賞南中國海的壯麗景色和令人難忘的日落,為他們的用餐體驗增添了神奇的色彩。 一個突出的特色是獨特的魚療足浴,客人可以享受舒緩而新穎的治療,小魚會輕輕地咬掉死皮。 24 小時開放的健身房配備周到的設施,包括清爽的冷毛巾,讓您在運動後恢復活力。 美食盛宴 新加坡聖淘沙索菲特水療度假酒店的早餐簡直就是一場美食盛宴。豐盛的自助餐包括各種西式、中式和印度菜餚,可滿足各種口味。現場麵條和雞蛋製作台為餐點增添了互動元素,而兒童用彩色餐具則確保家庭享受愉快的體驗。 輕鬆的交通 度假飯店提供往返港灣地鐵站 D 出口的免費接駁車服務,便利性極佳。此外,每天有四班車前往聖淘沙名勝世界,確保客人可輕鬆前往附近的景點。若要進一步探索聖淘沙,度假村外就設有免費的聖淘沙接駁巴士 B。 卓越服務…
The Best Restaurant I Have Tried So Far This Year + They Have Cloudy Bay By The Glass @ Grand Konak, Singapore
After the excellent Shabestan, which serves Iranian cuisine and is in my opinion, possibly the best restaurant in Singapore, I found myself trying Middle Eastern food again. This time, it was at the Grand Konak. Nestled along the vibrant Clarke…
Une Saveur Du Passé Dans Une Cité Modern: Le Jardin Yu, Shanghai (Français)
Une brève présentation du jardin Yu Connu sous le nom de jardin Yu ou Yu Yuan (豫园), c’est l’un des sites incontournables lorsque vous êtes à Shanghai. Situé dans le centre-ville de Shanghai, ce jardin chinois classique a la réputation…
Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa: A Pinnacle of French Elegance and Luxury
Nestled within the lush expanse of Sentosa Island, Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa stands as a paragon of refined luxury and French sophistication. This exquisite retreat masterfully marries opulence with the serene beauty of its verdant surroundings, offering an…
Seaside Sensations: Cafe Football East Coast Park’s Culinary Delights at Parkland Green
Nestled along the picturesque shores of East Coast Park, Cafe Football East Coast Park emerges as a beacon of culinary excellence and football fervor. With its prime location overlooking the glistening waters of the coast, this football-themed haven offers a…