Top Recommended Restaurant Johor Bahru: New Zealand Unlimited Restaurants
New Zealand Unlimited Restaurants bring the tastes of New Zealand to the stomachs of people wherever they are located. It is impossible to be disappointed by them, trust this chain of restaurants to present to you the varied flavours of…
The Ardens, 新山 (简体中文)
你是不是被繁重的工作压得喘不过气?或是需要一个短暂的周末旅游放松一下心情?如果是的话,欢迎莅临位于马来西亚柔佛州,奥斯汀花园区的雅顿酒店!这里我们为您安排了超值的旅游体验。让您醒来就能吃到餐馆级别的早餐,然后带您到水上乐园尽情的游玩。酒店附近还有玲琅满目的购物商场任你逛! 马来西亚柔佛周距离新加坡只有一个半小时的车程。早上出门,还可在午餐时间到达茂奥斯汀花园享用午餐,然后在那里度过愉快的一天。雅顿酒店环境舒适清幽,室内装璜高级典雅。我们的服务员也非常的友善,并乐于协助我们所有的顾客。酒店虽身处在热闹的旅游区,但酒店所使用的磁铁门锁将保障您的安全。此外,酒店还有二十四小时保安驻守酒店入口以及停车场,让顾客无需担心车子被盗的危险。 设施方面,雅顿酒店带给了我们许多惊喜!虽然身为一间二星级酒店,但酒店内的所有物品都印上了酒店名字。另外, 酒店客房内的迷你吧也附送零食及饮料供你享用。迷你吧内的选择固然有限,但一律免费!休息一会儿后,我们来到了酒店的洗衣房,发现酒店业提供了洗衣机和烘干机让顾客免费使用。顾客可在酒店大厅以1.5令吉购买一包洗衣液,所以出门前可别忘了带上一些洗衣液哦!这些设施为住客们提供了许多便利,让你可在奥斯丁高地水上冒险公园玩了一下午后清洗你的衣物。 不喜欢水上乐园的朋友也可到访这里的迷你错觉艺术馆(Kuso 3D Trick Art Gallery)。酒店周围也有许多吃饭逛街的好去处,如新山的永旺购物商店。无论是紧张刺激的旅程,或是一个放松心情的度假,雅顿酒店都能满足你的需求。但如果你周末还需要工作,别着急!酒店提供快速的WIFI服务,覆盖整座酒店大楼。酒店每层楼都设有两架无线接入点,让您轻松上网。 睡了一夜好觉后,我们在酒店大厅内的餐馆,The Stag Bistronomy, 享用了丰盛的早餐。这里的早餐卖相诱人,吃起来也非常美味,所以非常受到旅客于当地居民的欢迎。享用早餐时我们就看见了许多顾客陆陆续续地前来用餐。吃完早餐后,顾客可在退房前做最后的购物,或选择在酒店房内休息。 在我看来,雅顿酒店以二星级的价格提供了五星级的服务,让我感觉物超所值!这绝对是我在新山住过最划算的酒店!酒店离喧闹的旅游区不远,但却不在旅游区内,让顾客即可享受安静的住宿环境,也可享受到前往旅游景点的交通便利。酒店内的食物价格合理,也很可口。想来新山旅游的朋友们下次绝对可以考虑入住这家酒店!
Top Recommended Restaurant: Mom Tri’s Restaurant, Phuket
Mom Tri’s Kitchen is one of Phuket’s most popular restaurant, highly desired by its locals and tourists from around the world. It focuses on serving mainly Thai and a variety of international cuisine, which appease the appetites of its customers.…
The Ardens, Johor bahru (Bahasa Malay)
Adakah anda dibelenggu oleh tugas dan sangat memerlukan percutian yang pendek tapi menenangkan? Bayangkan sarapan pagi yang lewat bertaraf bistro menunggu anda di lobi hotel, diikuti dengan hari yang penuh keseronokan di taman tema air yang berdekatan atau nikmati terapi…
- Johor Bahru, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Malaysia, Shopping, Spa and Wellness
Festivities are usually associated with jolly tunes and quite often, characteristic decorations unique to the occasion. With Christmas and Chinese New Year just around the corner, people have begun bagging ornaments and delectable treats. Now, what if you can immerse…
Top Recommended Restaurant Bangkok: Gaggan
Having opened in 2010, it only took four short years for Gaggan Anand to bring his eponymous restaurant to global recognition. The restaurant made top 10 consecutively in the last 3 years on The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, and remains…
Eugene’s Grocery, Johor Bahru
English 简体中文 English Looking for a place to get the best meats in Johor Bahru? Eugene’s Grocery is number one on our list. Nestled in Jalan Perang, Taman Pelangi, the store imports and distributes fresh and chilled meat but never…
Top Recommended Chinese Restaurant Johor Bahru: Wan Li (Renaissance Hotel)
Looking for a place to have a grand celebration at? Planning for an important business meeting? Or simply looking to have a satisfying family dinner, at a location where even your pickiest relatives won’t make a sound? Well, look no…
Sips Cafe, Johor Bahru
English 简体中文 Bahasa Malay English Delicately tucked away in an alley at Jalan Bukit Meldrum is a timeless personality—Sips Cafe. Just 5 minutes away from City Square JB, Sips Cafe screams classic English romance with its warm orange-red hued exterior…
Miyakori Cafe (City Square), Johor Bahru
English 简体中文 繁體中文 English Looking for a cute café to take a break while shopping and exploring Johor Bahru? If you’re anywhere near the vicinity of City Square Shopping Mall, Miyakori Café is a perfect fit. This second outlet is…