Portas do Sol, Hotel Lisboa, Macau
Portas do Sol, located in Hotel Lisboa, serves Chinese haute cuisine with seasonal specialties, accompanied by an extensive dim sum menu. Though the decor is not fashionable by any means, I found it charming. The decor harks of a bygone…
Shiokara, Johor Bahru
Shiokara is a clean Japanese restaurant in Eko Botanic. They have an open seating area and cosy private dining rooms. When I went, business people were having a business lunch in an adjacent private room. The decor of the whole…
Pandora’s Garden, Singapore
Pandora’s Garden is a charming little nook located in Ann Siang Hill. The space itself is a u-shaped mezzanine balcony. It is very windy and you are definitely shaded from the sun. The vibe is charming—— think restored shophouse, twinkling…
Club Meatballs, Singapore
Club Meatballs has the vibe of a relaxed beach shack, but don’t let appearance fool you. It is actually located in downtown Singapore, right in the heart of financial district. The main draw on the menu of Club Meatballs is…
Methavalai Sorndaeng, Bangkok (简体中文)
从考山路一带的背包旅店或是萨侬定索尔路的政府大厦短程徒步,便可来到这座充满曼谷气息的建筑。 从这个饭店可以观瞻到民主纪念碑所坐落的拉碴达农卡隆路大转盘。或者说,想要找到这个饭店,不妨先来到民主纪念碑,沿着转盘转上一圈,您应该已经发现它了。它美丽的白色墙壁使它成为转盘周围最耀眼的建筑。 尽管饭店的装饰风格略显老式,但这不妨是逃避考山路周围喧哗(有时带有廉价气息以及过重的旅游氛围)的好去处。清洁与整齐的环境绝对会使您的用餐更加的轻松愉快。 所提供的超一流的食物绝对物超所值。我尝试了它的开胃菜“煎芋头饺子”(140铢)。这是一盘经典的中式料理。酥脆的外皮将温软的芋头酱包裹在内。它没有让人耳目一新、为之惊叹的感觉,只是单纯的经典,让人舒逸,这对我来说就足够了。 我也尝试了用蒜、辣椒和柠檬汁所浇汁的蒸墨鱼。注意!!这道菜真够劲辣,以至于我这种爱辣的人,也感到汗颜。我实在没法吃完,太辣了!不管怎样,我还是非常满足于墨鱼的大分量。墨鱼非常的鲜嫩。如果不是因为太辣,我肯定可以吃的干干净净,因为我也喜欢它的柠檬汁。 一盘白饭30泰铢 结账时不要忘记还会有10%的服务费跟7%的消费税 [ 78/2 拉碴达农卡隆路。 +66 (0)2 224 3088。每天营业:上午10点—晚上11点
Pita Tree Mediterranean Kitchen & Bar, Singapore
Pita Tree is a gem right in the heart of Singapore’s financial district (Raffles Place) and that is not a secret. It seems all the office workers working in that area know what a great find Pita Tree is. During…
Cosmo Restaurant & Wine Bar, Singapore
Cosmo Wine Bar takes over the space left behind by California Pizza Kitchen in Forum Shopping Mall. Cosmo Wine Bar serves European Cuisine at affordable prices. Very affordable wine pairing is available too. Foie Gras S$20 Pan fried duck liver…
Phuketique, Phuket
Located in the heart of Phuket Town, at the roundabout of its vibrant downtown market, Phuketique is a cosy little coffee bar that serves a variety of drinks and snacks. It has both indoor and outdoor seating arrangements. If you…
Elite Dining 優粵閣, 香港 (繁體中文)
優粵閣慶祝粵式料理的精髓 歷史悠久的華文書籍《食品文學5: 廚師的內涵》曾說過無論用的是什麼食材,對料理而言最關鍵的是顏色、香味和味道。這是因為顏色會促進料理的外觀、香味能取悅嗅覺而味道能提高口感。 梁耀源主廚把這牢牢地記著,選擇親手挑選最新鮮與精緻的食材來煮出最地道的粵式聞名佳餚。不只如此,梁主廚的佳餚所帶來美觀的顏色、令人欣喜的香味以及帶出完美口感的味道完整地呈現了烹飪的藝術。 四寶海皇燉萬壽果 這湯帶這非常濃的甜味。它把魚翅、蝦丁、雞丁與木瓜的甜味都融合在一起。肉類的甜味也因木瓜的果味甘甜達到了完美的平衡。因此這湯雖說濃,但並不會過度地濃。 玻璃明蝦球 這是一道又清淡又完美地粵式料理。它簡單又優雅,正是我喜歡的樣式。新鮮的蝦蒸在清與噴香的醬裡,再加上兩枝嫩蘆筍來增添顏色和芳香。 鮮蟹肉炒桂花銀絲 掛麵在它最正的干度。蟹肉也很豐滿。 陳年花雕爐鮮雞 非常地道的一道料理。你能夠很明確地唱到花雕酒的味道。雞肉的口感非常的地滑,呈上來的分量也很大方。我特別喜歡這道。 優粵閣有著傳統優雅的環境,讓你能更真實地體驗到中式餐飲。餐館裡擁有八間寬廣的私人房間,而從這些房間裡能看到一百八十度維多利亞港的美麗景色——是舉辦私人宴會或婚宴的完美地點。 位於在尖沙嘴的正中心,iSquare 的最高樓層,優粵閣的地點再好不過了。 iSquare 從尖沙嘴MTR 站只需過個短短的地下通道就能到達了。不怕風吹雨打,你都能瀟灑地出席宴會。
La Belle Vie, Johor Bahru
Serving exquisite French cuisine in a casual and comfortable setting, La Belle Vie combines sophistication and comfort in a unique dining experience. If you’ve heard of, or had the pleasure of, tasting the food at award-winning Chez Papa, you will…