20161106 Thai Airways TG413, Bangkok-Singapore
Checking in to Flight TG-413 TG-413 is a two-hour direct flight from Bangkok to Singapore, and it is a flight that Thai Airways operates every day. The flight usually departs from Suvarnabhumi at 11:30am (Bangkok time) and arrives at Changi…
20160831 Thai Airways TG413, Bangkok-Singapore
On board Thai Airways Boeing 777-200 With palms pressed together, a slight bow and a huge smile, I was welcomed on board the Thai Airways Boeing 777-200. It was my first time on Thai Airways and the flight from Singapore…
20160826 Thai Airways TG406 Singapore-Bangkok
For many Singaporeans, Bangkok is a shopping haven. A mere 2-hour flight away from our little red dot, it’s a little getaway that one can hop on over to over a long weekend. I was invited to media familiarization trip…