Pan Pacific, Singapore
Pan Pacific is one of the top hotels in Singapore.
Located opposite Suntec Convention Centre, the hotel is connected to 2 malls —-Marina Square and Suntec City. In other words, a lot of shopping is right at your feet. You can also find fast food restaurants, cinemas as well as affordable restaurants. There is a hyper-mart in Suntec City. Located just opposite Suntec Convention Centre, the hotel is of course popular with convention visitors and exhibitors. You can cut through Marina Square and Suntec to get to Esplanade subway station. It is just 5 mins away on foot.
I checked into a Pacific guest room, which is an executive grade guestroom.
The hotel is not the newest nor the most modern. It has probably around since the eighties.
Nevertheless, the hotel is very, very well-maintained. I’m also glad the building is slightly older—— the rooms are spacious. New hotels, more often then not, have very small rooms. The Pacific Club guestroom has ample space for two people to move about. It is unlikely you will feel claustrophobic here.
As Pan Pacific towers over its neighbours, Marina Mandarin and Mandarin Oriental, try to get a Pacific Club room which is located on the upper floors. You will get a square unblocked view of Singapore CBD and Singapore bay. Come 9 Aug, Singapore’s National Day or New Year’s Eve, you will get the best seat in Singapore to view the fireworks. Among all the hotels, I have stayed in Singapore , Pan Pacific Club rooms offer the best view so far—– high up and facing the action squarely.
The bathroom here is very spacious. There is a bath tub. With a glass wall separating the bathroom and the guestroom, you can watch TV while lying in the tub.
The room does not feature the most modern design, but it is certainly very spacious, and very, very comfortable. There is spacious L-shaped writing desk, a lounge sofa, a small bar, a Nespresso machine. They even have a bench in front of the bed which is really convenient for putting on shoes.
Guests of Pacific guestrooms enjoy access to the Pacific Club. The Pacific Club sits on top of the hotel on the 38th floor. As the hotel towers over its neighbours, the lounge offers 360 degree view of Singapore city. The decor of the lounge is a mixture of french elegance and chinoiserie. There is variety of seating arrangements suited for parties of all sizes. There are couches, tables for four and tables for two.
Pacific Club Privileges
(*guests above the age of 12 are welcome at Pacific Club)—- it is such a relief to have a kids-free zone where there are no screaming kids, no kids running about, no frazzled parents trying to calm them down. It is such a relief to have a place where adults have a champagne breakfast in the morning, have a drink in the evening, relax, and enjoy a bit of conversation.
Choice of champagne breakfast at Pacific Club from 6am to 11am or breakfast at Edge from (Level 3) from 6am to 10.30am. Pacific Club is located on Level 38, the highest floor of the hotel. Alternatively, Pacific Club guests can enjoy in-room dining breakfast at any hour. At Pacific Club, the first accompanying guest is complimentary and any additional guests is at $48++ each. This does not apply to dining at Edge nor In-room Dining.
At the breakfast in the lounge, there are some hot dishes to pick from. I love the attention to detail and adherence to tradition—- they have included sauerkraut with sausages. That is the way it should be.
You can also choose how you like your eggs done. The standout is the Truffle Egg. Oh my god! Hot scrambled egg served on toast with the intoxicating smell of truffle. It was heavenly!
They also prepared hot beautiful pancakes sprinkled with icing sugar on top and served with fruit compote, fruit and sprinkled with icing. I ordered another set of Truffle Egg and pancake right after I finished the first one, which should be a testament of how great they were.
Together with the free flow Moet and Chandon brut champagne and great view, is there a better breakfast in this world? I would highly recommend having breakfast at the lounge instead of The Edge downstairs. Besides the excellent, unforgettable truffle egg, the beautiful, delicate pancakes, great view and free flow champagne, another reason is that it is absolutely jammed pack at Edge in the mornings. When I was there at 9am+ on a Sunday morning, there were at least 15 people standing in the queue waiting to get into Edge. I turned right around and went up to the lounge for breakfast.
Afternoon tea from 3pm to 5pm
Sunset cocktails and canapes from 6 to 8pm
Pacific Club operates 24 hours per day. Bar services outside the Happy Hour and other dining opportunities are not included.
Use of Pacific Club private dining rooms with prior reservation.
One hour per day usage of a conference room and 50% discount on secretarial services at Pacififc Centre.
Pillow menu (Buckwheat hull organic, foam, contour, contour, coil polyester)
Pressing/ laundry/ dry cleaning up to two pieces per day, accumulative during each stay
Complimentary non-alcoholic drinks from the in-room mini bar.
Two complimentary 1 litre bottle of Evian mineral water.
This seems like a very clean hotel. My room and bathroom are spotless. When I walked past a room In the morning, I saw Housekeeping bent over and furiously scrubbing the bottom of the bathroom door. I have never seen Housekeeping of any hotel that hardworking before. Most of the time, they perform the cursory movements of tidying up the room and then leaving it. Also, Housekeeping actually wipes the wall of the lift lobby. I have never seen that before. I feel so safe staying here, knowing that this is a clean environment.
With an excellent product, slick cleanliness and a great location, travellers would do well to pick Pan Pacific Singapore as their choice.
Tip: book room 3012 or XX12 to get a square, television view of Marina Bay and the fireworks display on Singapore’s National Day 9 Aug or New Year’s Eve. If you book a room at Marina Bay Sands, then obviously you won’t get a view of Marina Bay Sands.
泛太平洋是新加坡顶尖酒店之一。 座落于新达城会议展览中心对面, 酒店衔接两家商场 – 滨海广场和新达城。 换言之, 很多购物近在咫尺。 您也可以找到快餐店, 戏院以及实惠的餐馆。 新达城内有一家大型超市。 位于新达城会议展览中心对面, 此酒店当然是会展旅客和展览商的首选。 切过滨海广场和新达城便可到达滨海中心地铁站。 徒步不过五分钟。
酒店不算最新, 也不算摩登。 应该八十年代就有这家酒店了吧。
不过, 酒店维持得非常好。 我其实蛮庆幸酒店稍微有些年资 – 客房都很宽裕。 新的酒店客房一般都很小。 宽敞的太平洋俱乐部客房则有足够空间让两个人舒心自在地走动。 在这儿, 您不太可能会感到压迫。 由于泛太平洋居高临下于邻近的滨华大酒店和文华东方酒店, 应该试着拿间高楼层的太平洋俱乐部套房。 新加坡金融中心以及新加坡海湾一方块的美景便能尽入眼帘,一览无遗。 到了八月九日新加坡国庆, 或是除夕夜, 这便是全国观赏烟火最好的位子。 我在新加坡住过的酒店当中, 泛太平洋俱乐部套房所给予的景观是最好的 – 居高且正面观看。
这里的浴室很宽敞。 有个浴缸。 玻璃墙隔开浴室和客房, 躺在浴缸里也能看到电视。
房间虽然没有最摩登的设计, 不过非常宽敞面而且很舒适。 有台宽大的L形写字桌, 一张休闲沙发, 一个小吧,和一架Nespresso咖啡机。 床前还摆了张板凳, 穿鞋真的方便多了。
太平洋客房宾客可享用太平洋俱乐部。 太平洋俱乐部坐落于酒店的顶楼第38层。 由于酒店比周围建筑高出许多, 此休闲厅能以360度无边呈献新加坡的都市面貌。 休闲厅装潢风格融汇了法式的高贵与新古典中国风。 多种格式的座位安排, 能够迎合各种规模的派对。 备有沙发, 四人桌以及两人桌。
(*十二岁以上客人于太平洋俱乐部均受欢迎) – 没有咆哮的儿童, 没有小孩到处乱跑, 没有在试着安抚小孩的疲惫不堪的家长, 这样的无孩童区是多么的悠闲啊。 成人早晨时段能享用香槟早餐, 傍晚时分能放松心情小酌一杯, 享受片刻叙叙闲谈, 这样的一个环境真的令人感到轻松舒适。
可选择于太平洋俱乐部早晨六点至十一点享用香槟早餐, 或是早晨六点至十点三十分于三楼的Edge享用早餐。 太平洋俱乐部位于第三十八楼, 乃酒店最高的楼层。 或者, 宾客也可以透过房内餐饮服务随时享用早餐。 陪同房客到太平洋俱乐部的第一位宾客是免费的, 额外宾客每位四十八元。 这不适用于在Edge或房内用餐的餐饮。
休闲厅的早餐餐点, 有几道热食可选。 餐点包括了德国酸菜配香肠 – 我爱极了他们对于细节的注意以及对于传统的遵循。 本来就该这样子。
您还可以选择喜好的鸡蛋烹调方式。 最脱颖而出的, 便是松露鸡蛋。
我的天啊! 热炒鸡蛋附在土司上, 销魂的松露香味。 简直是天堂! 他们还准备了热乎乎的美艳松饼, 上面洒了糖粉, 配上洒上糖霜的烩水果和水果。
我吃完了第一轮便立刻加点了一套松露鸡蛋和松饼, 足以见证它们有多棒。 在无限量供应的酩悦香槟和美景的陪同下, 世上还有比这更美妙的早餐吗? 我强力推荐到休闲厅用早餐过于楼下的Edge餐厅。 除了出色卓越难以忘怀的松露鸡蛋, 美丽可人的松饼, 宏观美景和无限量畅饮的香槟之外, 另一个理由就是, Edge餐厅早上铁定是爆满的。 我某周日早上九点多去的时候, 起码有十五个人在排队等着入座。 我立马转过身, 朝楼上的休息厅去吃早餐了。
下午茶 从下午三点至五点
夕阳鸡尾酒和小点心 从傍晚六点至八点
太平洋俱乐部每日营运二十四小时。 欢乐时光和其他餐饮时段时营业的吧台服务不包括在内。
于太平洋中心, 每日可使用会议室一小时, 使用秘书服务则可享有百分之五十折扣
枕头菜单 (有机荞麦壳﹑海绵﹑波浪﹑弹簧涤纶)
熨烫/洗衣/干洗 每日高达两件, 每段入主可每日累积
看似非常干净的酒店。 我的房间和浴室一尘不染。 早上走经过一间客房时, 目睹了客房清洁服务员弯着腰, 死命地在刷浴室门下的地板。 我从来没见过任何一家酒店的客房部那么勤快。 他们大多时候是快速地做完象征性动作, 整理完房间就离去了。 而且, 这里的客房部竟然连电梯大堂的墙壁都擦。 我是闻所未闻。 住在这里, 感觉很安逸, 可以确知这是个干净的环境。
卓越的产品﹑利索的整洁度﹑加上非凡的地点, 泛太平洋新加坡绝对是旅客们的明智之选。
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