Sunway Putra Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
It’s that time of the year again, Ramadan. One of the most important highlights of the Islamic calendar. For all Muslim friends it is the time to fast and break fast, having “Buka Puasa” meals with loved ones. In light of this Sunway Putra Hotel, led by Chef Rossham bin Rosli has a treat installed. This year he and his team will indulge our palettes with a tantalizing spread of over 100 nostalgic must have Buka Puasa dishes in the buffet as well as ten special food stalls.
Making customers feel at home the theme Dari Dapur Ummi which translates as to “From Our Mom’s Kitchen” ensues this year. The chefs present dishes that are not merely favourites of the public but have a little something extra special. Their families secret recipes and ingredients that take the dishes to the next level.
The buffet will also present cold dishes, 40 different types of traditional and mouth-watering Kerabu (Malaysian Salad). They are perfect and refreshing on their own but also compliment main course items. Among the featured are Kerabu Isi Kelapa Daun Selasih, Kerabu Tembikai, Kerabu Isi Ikan Pedas and the highly recommended Kerabu Rampai. Additionally, there will an appetiser island, containing five types of salted fish and salted eggs as well.
One of the most exciting highlights of the buffet would be the ten “kampong style stalls. Buffet guest will be able to savour in different types of local favourites like the Gear Box Soup at the Rebus-Rebus stall or the Oriental Barbeque Lamb and Chicken and Beef Satay at the Bakar-Bakar stall. Also not to be missed is Celup-Celup stall for a taste of steamboat concept, with ten varieties of soup and dipping to choose from, and the Panggang –Panggang stall that will have the Barbequed Grilled Fish. For major fritters fans, definitely visit the Goreng-Goreng stall is all set to feature famous types of Malaysian fritters
The Star dish of the buffet will be the Nasi Ayam Kampung – a recipe that Chef Rossham bin Rosli, Executive Chef at Sunway Putra Hotel learnt from his mother. Served with steaming white rice, the fried chicken is first boiled for half an hour with cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, star anise and one secret ingredient that Chef Rossham picked up from his mother. Once boiled, the chicken is then deep-fried at a certain temperature to ensure that the skin is dry and not oily but the insides are tender and juicy. The dish displays both Negeri Sembilan and Sumetera cooking styles. The idea is to serve the chicken rice with a variety of chili paste and curry,” explains Chef Rossham.
There will also be four other chef taking us on a journey with their mother’s recipes. Try Chef Samsuddin bin Ahmad’s northern dishes such as Peha Ayam Kicap, Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak and Perut Masak Lemak and Rebung – recipes that have been passed down in his family for four generations now. Don’t forget to taste Chef Mathavan’s famous Indian recipes such as Lamb ‘Paratel’ and Sotong ‘Masala’ that contains spices that he personally ground with a millstone to obtain an authentic spicy taste that can only be achieved with the technique.
If you have a sweet tooth look out for the the Lompat Tikam, Badak Berendam, Ubi Kayu Rebus dengan Kelapa which all happens to be traditional recipes shared by Chef Rukedi bin Yajid@Aziz’s mother.
To bring a hint of modern taste to the wide diversity of traditional dishes there will also be Cinnamon Churros, Warm Banana and Apple Crumble, Nutmeg Kataifi Cake, Prune Almond Cake and many more, of course accompanied by Malaysia’s all-time favourite afternoon tea; Teh Tarik.
So go on a culinary journey at Sunway Putra Hotel this Ramadan. Where the food will leave you wanting more and make your family and stomachs happy.
Nobu, Kuala Lumpur
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