Kuala Lumpur

  • Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia,  Restaurants

    Bacchus, Kuala Lumpur

    With the Sheraton just next door, Bacchus is a wine bar restaurant serving the executives in the neighbourhood.  It serves a fusion between Spanish and Chinese cuisines. Mango Passionfruit Ice cold and very refreshing. Namyu Fried Pork Belly Strong, intense…

  • Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia,  Restaurants

    Sushi Oribe, Kuala Lumpur

    For my fellow diners, the dance of dining out is as old as Time. Make your selection, wait- and be rewarded (or punished, should expectations fall short) with a feast for the eyes and the stomach.   It’s all about choice…

  • Kuala Lumpur,  Languages,  Malaysia,  Restaurants,  繁體中文

    Morganfield’s (Zenith), 柔佛州新山 (繁體中文)

    對於許多人而言,豬肋排是種絕妙的慰藉食物。不同切法,不同熟度,可以讓那鮮嫩多汁的肉塊成為滿足你味蕾的唯一佳餚。 考慮到這一點,我們在尋找當地的肋排餐館時,摩根菲爾德的博得了我們的青睞又名“粘粘排骨之家”,摩根菲爾德的在肋排愛好者中已經深得人心 – 不,是深得人’胃’。 摩根菲爾德的以他們烹煮肉類的精湛技藝為豪。他們使用稱之為“粘粘排骨”的烹製方法,在煤炭以及山胡桃木的炭火中慢慢煙熏烤製肋排,待其軟化,再淋上以番茄特製的濃稠酸甜醬料。 餐館的食物都是以美國分量計量的,所以,只需一份,就能填滿兩人的肚子,讓兩人盡情享受!餐館也提供各式肉類及海鮮拼盤,同樣是與人分享的絕佳選擇。 “哦!我不吃豬肉!”你這麼說?完全不是問題!摩根菲爾德的的羊扒也同樣是死都得嘗的味道!有薄荷,胡桃木燒烤醬,大蒜燒烤醬,煙熏胡椒,以及辛辣亞洲燒烤醬這五種不同的醬料可選,我敢打賭你在吃完後許久還會不斷舔自己的嘴唇,回味無窮。 如果你想要嚐到更有趣刺激的風味,並不介意你的肉排中有些許酒精,你可能會想要嘗試傑克丹尼(威士忌)烤伊比利亞背小排或佔邊(威士忌)燒烤伊比利亞背小排。 即使你不是個排骨或肉類愛好者,你也不需煩惱.Morganfield的提供的菜色還包含了各式漢堡,禽肉及海鮮菜品,墨西哥捲餅,開胃菜和飲品。有了這一系列可選擇的食物,食客們絕對會應接不暇,感覺物超所值。 “粘粘排骨之家”的招牌排骨有一條排骨或半條排骨兩種分量可選,以及四種不同風味,其中包括了胡桃木燒烤醬以及大蒜燒烤醬味。

  • Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia,  Restaurants

    The Bee, Kuala Lumpur

    These days, the neighborhood can be quite the exciting place to be at. Be it music performances, comedy shows or even movie screenings, The Bee offers a wide range of activities that will appeal to the senses of its guests.…

  • Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia,  Restaurants

    Sunway Putra Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

    It’s that time of the year again, Ramadan. One of the most important highlights of the Islamic calendar. For all Muslim friends it is the time to fast and break fast, having “Buka Puasa” meals with loved ones. In light…

  • Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia,  Michelin,  Restaurants

    Nobu, Kuala Lumpur

    Heavenly Skyline Dining “Heaven on earth, sex on a plate”- these were the exact words Oscar award winning actress, Kate Winslet used to describe her dining experience at Nobu America. With such a magnificent worldwide collection of restaurants, you will…

  • Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia,  Restaurants

    Zipangu, Shangri-la, Kuala Lumpur

    Zipangu is the Japanese restaurant of Shangri-la, Kuala Lumpur. Australian Wagyu Tatoki (75g) contains alcohol RM$76 Cold roasted Australian Wagyu Striploin The slices of cold roasted Wagyu have excellent marbling and are very tender. They go excellently with the soy…