
  • Restaurants,  Singapore

    Guccio, Singapore

    Chef Marco’s Laser Focus On Quality Shines Through In Guccio Guccio is one understated class act. Located in an unassuming alley connecting Club Street and Amoy Street, Guccio is the first restaurant of Chef Marco.  Guccio is Chef Marco’s family name. …

  • Restaurants,  Singapore

    Farangse, Singapore

    Customise your unique French-Thai Dining Experience At Farangse Nestled within the Greenwood residential neighborhood,  Farangse is the new, 4-month old restaurant of Chef Eric and Chef Emma.  Chef Emma is a self-made woman, a seasoned chef who hails from the…

  • Restaurants,  Singapore

    Miska Cafe, Singapore

    Live Up The Good Life At Miska Cafe Dear Diary, I spent the most wonderful afternoon at Sentosa Cove today. Firstly,  I took Bus 123 from Orchard Road to the end of the line. At the final station (Beach Station),…

  • Restaurants,  Singapore

    The Mad Sailors British Kitchen, Singapore

    World Class British Grub In An Unexpected Corner Haji Lane is a young, hipster enclave right next to the Arab enclave (Kampong Glam).  On the hot, weekend afternoon I was there,  Haji Lane was just teeming with tourists, the young,…

  • Restaurants,  Singapore

    Alter Ego, Singapore

    Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Batman and Bruce Wayne, Geminis,  I think I understand the concept of alter egos and the underlying allure. The aptly named Alter Ego is an interesting bistro that straddles both healthy food (poke bowls) and…

  • Michelin,  Restaurants,  Singapore

    Restaurant Labyrinth, Singapore

    One Michelin-starred Labyrinth elevates Singapore cuisine to the next level.  Labyrinth also eagerly supports local farming.  Over 90% of the ingredients used in a meal at Labyrinth are  sourced locally.  I am quite surprised that Labyrinth puts their money where…

  • Restaurants,  Singapore

    Goo Italiano, Singapore

    The quality Japanese-Italian dining empire, Goo Italiano, with outposts in glamourous cities such as Tokyo and Los Angeles, has finally expanded to Singapore.  Sandwiched between Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, this one-month old restaurant (at the time of writing) is…

  • Michelin,  Restaurants,  Singapore

    Osia Steak and Seafood Grill, Singapore

    Celebrity-chef-and-restauranteur Scott Webster has graced the sunny shores of Singapore with his grand opening of Osia Bar and Restaurant at Resorts World Sentosa. Established in 2010, it sets to introduce tantalising Australian cuisine to epicureans in Singapore and it is…

  • Languages,  Michelin,  Restaurants,  Singapore,  繁體中文

    澳西亞餐廳 Osia Steak and Seafood Grill, 新加坡 (繁體中文)

    坐落於聖淘沙名勝世界,由星級名廚暨餐飲家斯科特•韋伯斯特(Scott Webster)帶來的澳西亞餐廳(Osia Bar and Restaurant)自其盛大開業以來,為新加坡這片陽光海岸勝地增色不少。餐廳開設於2010年,為新加坡的老饕食客們帶來最挑動心弦的澳洲味道,其美味已經成功俘虜了一幫忠實粉絲。 以“品嚐Osia原味”聞名,餐廳從澳洲、環太平洋各國及東南亞地區選取最新鮮的食材,為客人提供營養豐富、當季新鮮的菜品,配以佳釀(新世界葡萄酒),當刺激味蕾的美食遇上優雅的氛圍,為客人帶來難忘用餐體驗。 澳西亞富有現代感的內部設計,既雅緻又自在,為客人塑造愉快的用餐體驗。寬大的落地玻璃使餐廳盡情享受陽光,中心用餐區以軟座跟亮木為飾,營造輕鬆的氛圍。廚房內,一個石窯火爐十分惹人注目,開放式廚房使廚師們盡情發揮創意,烹飪各式新菜品。除此之外,餐廳內有一個休憩吧台,大理石的吧台邊擺著幾張富有線條感的高椅,客人在此可小酌一杯,配上檸汁醃魚生當下酒菜,放鬆身心。 澳西亞一直致力於向世人呈現最高質的澳洲菜精髓,為了達到這個目標,韋伯斯特與澳洲著名酒莊“奔富”(Penfolds)長期合作,奔富酒莊為餐廳提供世界級葡萄酒、烈酒與啤酒等各種不同酒品。餐廳內設有專屬的一角,就在澳西亞格瑞廳(Grange)內,令人垂涎的佳釀整齊排列在牆上,等待著客人品嚐。