
  • Bangkok,  Languages,  Michelin,  Restaurants,  Thailand,  简体中文

    Methavalai Sorndaeng, Bangkok (简体中文)

    从考山路一带的背包旅店或是萨侬定索尔路的政府大厦短程徒步,便可来到这座充满曼谷气息的建筑。 从这个饭店可以观瞻到民主纪念碑所坐落的拉碴达农卡隆路大转盘。或者说,想要找到这个饭店,不妨先来到民主纪念碑,沿着转盘转上一圈,您应该已经发现它了。它美丽的白色墙壁使它成为转盘周围最耀眼的建筑。 尽管饭店的装饰风格略显老式,但这不妨是逃避考山路周围喧哗(有时带有廉价气息以及过重的旅游氛围)的好去处。清洁与整齐的环境绝对会使您的用餐更加的轻松愉快。 所提供的超一流的食物绝对物超所值。我尝试了它的开胃菜“煎芋头饺子”(140铢)。这是一盘经典的中式料理。酥脆的外皮将温软的芋头酱包裹在内。它没有让人耳目一新、为之惊叹的感觉,只是单纯的经典,让人舒逸,这对我来说就足够了。 我也尝试了用蒜、辣椒和柠檬汁所浇汁的蒸墨鱼。注意!!这道菜真够劲辣,以至于我这种爱辣的人,也感到汗颜。我实在没法吃完,太辣了!不管怎样,我还是非常满足于墨鱼的大分量。墨鱼非常的鲜嫩。如果不是因为太辣,我肯定可以吃的干干净净,因为我也喜欢它的柠檬汁。 一盘白饭30泰铢 结账时不要忘记还会有10%的服务费跟7%的消费税 [ 78/2 拉碴达农卡隆路。 +66 (0)2 224 3088。每天营业:上午10点—晚上11点

  • Bangkok,  Languages,  Michelin,  Restaurants,  Thailand,  العربية


    يقع مطعم بانكوك على مسافة قصيرة سيرا على الأقدام من فنادق المسافرين على طريق خاو سان ومبنى سيتي هول على طريق ثانون دينسور رود. ويطل هذا المطعم على الطريق الدائري راتشادامنون كلانج رود؛ حيث يوجد نصب الديمقراطية. وبعبارة أخرى يمكن…

  • Bangkok,  Restaurants,  Thailand

    Supanniga Eating Room, Bangkok

    Nestled in the heart of bustling Bangkok,  near Ei8ht Lifestyle Mall in Thong Lor, is Supanniga Eating Room, a restaurant that serves a wide range of traditional Thai dishes from both owner Eh’s hometown in Trat, situated by Thailand’s east…

  • Bangkok,  Restaurants,  Thailand

    La Table de Tee, Bangkok

    Frequent visitors to Thailand often sing praises of its vibrant streets and its status as a veritable paradise for food-lovers. Past the bustling hawker stalls in the main roads, there are countless hidden gems just out of sight, perfect for…

  • Bangkok,  Michelin,  Restaurants,  Thailand

    Savelberg, Bangkok

    Comfort, quality and luxury. Few food establishments can boast to have achieved excellence in these key areas when it comes to the art of fine dining. Savelberg Bangkok is one such restaurant. Hank Savelberg has run and supported four Michelin-starred…

  • Bangkok,  Bangkok,  Hotels,  Restaurants,  Thailand,  Thailand

    Kisara, Bangkok

    For Japanese cuisine as it was meant to be – pure and real, Kisara at Conrad Hotel, Bangkok is the place.  Here you enjoy perfection in simplicity.   Here, food is presented as art, dining as contemplation, distilled to essence, sashimi,…

  • Bangkok,  Restaurants,  Thailand

    The Capital, Bangkok

    Decadent, mouth-watering food coupled with a cosy, classic décor tastefully remodelled after one of the most iconic American settings of all time. That is what The Capital by Water Library is. A rare find in the busy business district of…

  • Bangkok,  Restaurants,  Thailand

    Enoteca, Bangkok

    Enoteca Italiana is happy to present his new executive chef Stefano Borra. Chef Stefano was born in 1972 Turin, Pedemont. After the high school his family pushed him to attend the law carrier. Few years at the university and he…