The Co-op @ HomeTeamNS Tampines, Singapore
The Best Deal In Singapore (For Students) After visiting the stellar The Co-op (Bukit Batok) and its wonderful array of quality dishes, I was heartened to know that east dwellers don’t have to cross island to benefit from this wonderful…
太子湾公园 (Prince Bay Park), 杭州 (简体中文)
如果您没听过Prince Bay Park那可要把它寄存在您的Instagram清单上了,因为这个漂亮的地方会让您非常惊艳。中文也叫做太子湾公园就坐落在西湖南边,属于西湖美景的一部分。除了是个传统园艺花园,太子湾公园也被称为杭州最景色优美的一个地方-不可忽视。建议:选择春季去太子湾公园。为什么?因为整个公园都布满着春季开的花和樱花,是享受大自然最美好的时光。而且,没有比一排一排五颜六色的郁金香和玫瑰更加能够吸引您的目光了。锦上添花的是那川流不息的溪河和远处的山脉制造出一幅平和与宁静的画面。太子湾公园听起来的确像是地球上的一片天堂。 太子湾公园除了观光和摄影之外还有其他活动。很多人也来这里露营和野餐。公园的田园风光吸引不少本地和外国游客来这里躲离城市生活的繁忙和喧哗。由于公园的面积达到197英亩,就算是黄金时期也不会很拥挤。 有趣的是,公园的知名度已让它成为拍摄婚纱照的地点-还附有充分理由。公园里有代表坚定不移的忠诚以及情侣有如鸟儿般在空中一起飞翔的摆设。这些意义重大的小细节足够让许多准新郎新娘选择太子湾公园为绝佳拍摄地点的理由。 其实太子湾公园也是一个黄金婚礼场地! (欢呼,注册情侣!)随着浪漫的气氛和天堂似的景观,不难发现太子湾公园是情侣们想在这里举行一生中一次附有纪念性的结婚仪式。近几年来,很多情侣都利用这令人陶醉的地方举行西式结婚仪式。试想想:婚礼进行曲在桥上开始,而新娘握着一束色彩鲜艳的鲜花。婚礼进行曲到教堂座落的花园的宽阔草原上结束。在教堂里,新人各自就位在一个心型的红地毯上-多罗曼蒂克。结婚仪式中,新婚夫妇手握彩色丝带把鸽子释放与天空。然后各自坐在一张圆桌进行中华传统交杯酒仪式。一辆庄严十足的马车载着新娘和新郎穿梭花园与亲朋好友畅饮度过美好时光。随着仪式结束,新人坐上一张富丽堂皇的椅子,被送去公园里的一间精巧的屋子。听起来简直就像是一场理想的婚礼,不是吗? 无论您是周末想要松懈的本地客或是找最热门景点的旅游达人还是寻找理想婚宴场地的准新娘(恭喜!),太子湾公园不会让您失望。再说,有谁能够抗拒大自然能提供的美景呢?
The Co-Op @ HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok Clubhouse, Singapore
You know how every singer comes out with an all-hits compilation album after a few studio albums? The Co-op (Bukit Batok) is the all-hits compilation equivalent of local, made-in-Singapore halal food empire The Blackhole Group. The Co-op (Bukit Batok)’s menu…
프린스 베이 파크 (Prince Bay Park), 항저우
프린스 베이Prince Bay 공원을 처음 들어보시는 분은 이 공원을 꼭 당신의 인스타그램 버킷리스트에 올려보세요. 당신은 분명 이 포토제닉한 공원이 정말 멋지다고 생각하실 것이기 때문입니다. 중국어로는 타이지완 공원이라고도 하는 프린스베이공원은 서호의 남쪽에 있으며 서호풍경관광지구내에 위치하고 있습니다. 프린스베이 공원은 단순한 중국전통의 경관이…
Southern Border, Johor Bahru
Popular F&B establishment Southern Border has recently relocated from Masai to the more centrally located Taman Molek. The new premises are only one month old at the time of writing. When I arrived on a Monday afternoon, they are packed. …
Guccio, Singapore
Chef Marco’s Laser Focus On Quality Shines Through In Guccio Guccio is one understated class act. Located in an unassuming alley connecting Club Street and Amoy Street, Guccio is the first restaurant of Chef Marco. Guccio is Chef Marco’s family name. …
Farangse, Singapore
Customise your unique French-Thai Dining Experience At Farangse Nestled within the Greenwood residential neighborhood, Farangse is the new, 4-month old restaurant of Chef Eric and Chef Emma. Chef Emma is a self-made woman, a seasoned chef who hails from the…
What To Do In Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Long overshadowed by her southern neighbour, Singapore, the Malaysian state of Johor is fast becoming a veritable holiday destination in her own right. For thrills and family fun, there is Legoland, Johor Bahru and Sanrio Hello Kitty Land, Johor Bahru…
Miska Cafe, Singapore
Live Up The Good Life At Miska Cafe Dear Diary, I spent the most wonderful afternoon at Sentosa Cove today. Firstly, I took Bus 123 from Orchard Road to the end of the line. At the final station (Beach Station),…
Top Restaurants and Cafes, Johor Bahru
Fascination and Kitchen, Johor Bahru If you think garden-in-a-cafe concepts are limited to Jalan Trus, well, here is one such cafe but without the traffic jams of downtown Johor Bahru. Fascination and Kitchen serves up quality cuisine which are beautifully…