Thann Sanctuary, Bangkok
THANN Sanctuary, voted one of the Top 55 spas in the world by Conde Nast Traveller Magazine, never fails to make one feel relaxed and at home. It is unique from other spas in Bangkok. Here, the only sound that…
BE Urban Wellness and Spa, Kuala Lumpur
Award winning, personalized health care to make you feel better and younger! We at BE have undertaken the task to make the world a more beautiful place – by making the people look and feel younger. As we grow older, the…
杭州悅榕莊愛船下午茶, 杭州 (繁體中文)
在船上享用親密的下午茶 每位到杭州遊覽的旅客都會去西湖。從西湖乘坐大概30分中的車就可到一片豐盛的綠化地叫西溪濕地。 坐在傳統的“江南”櫓船上一邊巡航西溪濕地一邊享用著美味的下午茶最為浪漫。 風景將會跟隨季節而有著激烈的轉變。無論什麼季節,風景總是那麼的引人注目。 這可能就是您到杭州將會經歷的獨特旅遊經驗。
Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur
Have you ever caught yourself wondering which accommodation to choose for your stay in colourful Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia? A plethora of options awaits you but travelling to a foreign land, whether for leisure or business purposes, should allow you…
Sunway Putra Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
It’s that time of the year again, Ramadan. One of the most important highlights of the Islamic calendar. For all Muslim friends it is the time to fast and break fast, having “Buka Puasa” meals with loved ones. In light…
Nobu, Kuala Lumpur
Heavenly Skyline Dining “Heaven on earth, sex on a plate”- these were the exact words Oscar award winning actress, Kate Winslet used to describe her dining experience at Nobu America. With such a magnificent worldwide collection of restaurants, you will…
Olivia Natural Beauty, Kuala Lumpur
Upset with that additional wrinkle on your face? Feeling totally distressed by the increasing number of pimples or pockmarks that threatens to destroy your beautiful complexion? Feeling uncomfortable with rough skin? If your answer is ‘yes’ to one of these…
Garden of Eden, Malaysia
Top Skincare Brand of Malaysia There is no question that natural and organic methods make sense when it comes to choosing the food you eat and put in your body. The same can be said for products that you put…
Mayura Apothecary, Malaysia
The road to radiant skin and healthy living can potentially be littered with potholes. This is a story of two individuals’ quest for this Holy Grail, how they found it together, and the way they are bringing it to people…
Aberdeen Street Social, 香港 (简体中文)
在PMQ 的局限里,Aberdeen Street Social 是被人敬佩的厨师Jason Atheron以及之名的企业家Yenn Wong 所启发。这对强大二人组与知名得奖设计师 Neri 和 Hu的结合将成立一个新的设计构想,来兴起客户们的味蕾.Aberdeen Street Social突现与室内及户外席,来符合摩登室内靓装和自然风格爱好者的品味。 在前往周日早午餐的地点之前,亲切的经理亲自带我到楼上的私人房间参观,房间的大小足与开一个12人的派对还有一个能看到花园景色的阳台。住宿特显专用的上等服务人员。他们随传随到,很符合社交形的人所需要的个人待遇。 正往楼下参加the Bar and Bistro主活动的地点,就在他们招待贵宾和容纳吧台以及,对没错,你猜对了,和餐厅的空间。这个地方很适合和好友享受周末和一起享用伏特加马提尼,利用酒精来抛空烦恼,和诉苦。在所有递给我的食物样品当中,我不知不觉朝向了Lobster Benedict这道菜.龙虾与牛油一起烤得恰大好处,虽然淋在鸡蛋上的蛋黄酱有点太过粘稠,但是龙虾尾的精美味道一定会淘喜欢吃海鲜的顾客们欢心。 在旁边就是一家联盟的甜品Sweet Social,提供于各式各样的蛋糕及自制的gelato.我情不自禁的带走了一份hazelnut gianduja chocolate gelato,上面还洒上了新鲜的开心果碎,顶下了令人味蕾满意的结论。 与得奖名人,知名厨师以及企业家所建立的梦想团队.Aberdeen Street Social一定会超越香港的休闲餐饮,他们将会给予这个从满许多食物爱好者的国家更多希望。 太阳即将下山,吊在木梁上的煤油灯照亮着附近。走到 garden terrace去欣赏那里的花花草草,那风景营造了一个完美的角落来享用一杯Chef Atheron的招牌鸡尾酒。 请试一试Orange Creamsicle Cocktail,他是一杯混合着香草伏特加和橘子汽水的鸡尾酒。上面还布置上他们家的自制奶油和我从小最喜欢的坚果巧克力棒,令人勾起小时候的回忆。 当炎热的上午太阳落山后,夜晚的天空和微风已降临,吧台已准备好接待客户,评议近人的酒保也帮忙增添了温馨的气氛,当我融入在蓝杰斯的音乐中我已失去了时间概念。